We had the chance to chat with Bam Richmond.
Inscriber: What is the name of the person(s) and/or brand/business these articles are for? Where are you from, city, state. name etc.
Bam: My name is Bam Richmond, aka PayolaCeoBamBam. I am the CEO of Payola from Fort Worth, Tx.
Inscriber: Why should people read about your brand and or business? What story do you have to tell? What makes you stand out within the industry you’re in?
Bam: People should read my story because it’s about a young black entrepreneur having to overcome adversity to achieve the level of success that I am starting to receive with my brand. I started hand in hand, making my own clothes using a vinyl cutter before leveling up and meeting vendors/manufacturers, and now I have a 6 figure clothing line doing anywhere from 15 – 20k A Month Minimum. The quality, luxury, uniqueness, exclusiveness, and authenticity make me stand out from most brands. Anybody who knows me knows I stand on quality! All my products speak for themself. From my tee shirts all the way to my bags/purses.
Inscriber: What are some notable influencers endorsing your brand/business?
Bam: NFL Players (Jeff Wilson Jr, Miami Dolphins) and College Athlete Rappers (Lil Keed, Enchanting, Sauce Walka, Lil Migo)
Inscriber: What were your biggest challenges, and how did you overcome them while starting your brand?
Bam: Figuring it out. I NEVER had planned on having a clothing brand ever. Honestly, it came out of nowhere, and when I started, I had no clue what I was doing. I needed more access to vendors/manufacturers when I started, but I learned the actual business/structure of running a business/clothing brand and getting people to support it. I never had any real intentions of taking this severe and becoming what it is today, but once I figured it out, started getting structure, learned the business behind it, and started gaining a lot of support and exposure, the rest was history! It took a while to figure things out, what kept me going was the fact that this was never a dream of mine, so there was no point in just giving up because I didn’t feel like I could fail.
Inscriber: Where do you see yourself/your brand and business in a few years?
Bam: I see myself as one of the world’s top 10 independent black-owned clothing brands! I can see myself up there with Louis Vuitton in a few years if I keep putting in the work and having the level of success that I am having! Definitely the #1 clothing brand in Texas for sure easy.
Inscriber: What angle or focus for these articles would you like to see?
Bam: Strictly focusing on marketing and promo for Payola. I want to reach a bigger audience and gain more exposure outside my region. I want to get people from all over the country and let them witness the greatness that my brand is delivering.
Inscriber: Is there information you want to avoid being included in these articles?
Bam: No.
Inscriber: What is your goal with this press? Example: To promote a brand launch for a product. To promote a business such as Starbucks etc.
Bam: Gain more exposure and attention for my brand, eventually leading to customers and generating sales.
Inscriber: What products are within your brand/business? What do they do, where can people find them, etc.
Bam: We sell apparel. Shirts, hoodies, jumpsuits, bags, purses, shoes, and business e-books. Eventually, we will be branding off essential products as well. Website: BiggestBidness.com
Inscriber: Please provide direct links to all social media accounts you want to be included in the articles. Example: IG, websites, or any other press
Bam: Instagram: @PayolaCeoBamBam and @PayolaClothing
Twitter: @WeHate_BamBam, @PayolaClothing and @PayolaSeason Website: BiggestBidness.com