Looking for some fitness motivation to get you back into the gym and in shape? Welcome to Fitness Focus! INSCMagazine’s fitness and motivation feature column.
GG! will feature some of today’s hottest Instagram and fitness models and trainers, in the realm of lifestyle, modeling and fitness motivation, with a touch of style, class, quality in-depth writing and eye-catching images.

When one thinks of such beautiful sculpted women, images of Venus, Aphrodite, Athena, Hera and Artemis come to mind. Hell, if you want a real-life embodiment of a sculpted and bronzed goddess, look no further than Gal Gadot’s portrayal in the summer blockbuster, Wonder Woman.
In the world of fitness bikini and bodybuilding, you see many well-toned, bronzed and defined women strutting their stuff and showing off their fit and defined figures.
Women come in all shapes and sizes, but if you’re a man, you have to admit that there is just something about a well-toned, fit and athletic goddess that is sexy.

One such example is British fitness model, Yvette Geary.
Geary, a statuesque dark-skinned 5’10 beauty from across the pond has competed in—and won—prestigious muscle and fitness competitions such as Miami Pro Universe Muscle Model Champion 2017. In addition to being a PCA Bikini British Finalist, the 38-year-old Geary would finish in second place at the UKUP BRITISH FINALS, and end up being awarded a pro card, she is set to represent Great Britain at the Universe Championships in Budapest, and make her WBFF debut in 2018 at the Miami Pro Show.
Sponsored by BPI Sports U.K, ShapeBrazil and GetBronzed Tan, Geary is not only one of the top up-and-coming pro fitness models in all of England, but the world as well.
Beautiful inside and out, here is my Q and A with Ms. Geary as we talk fitness, differences between health and fitness in the UK, US and Europe, schiek waist belts as well as a little Wigan rugby and her beloved Liverpool.

Who Is She?
Name: Yvette Geary
Age: 38
Height: 5’10
Birthplace: Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Measurements: 34DD-24-34
Notable Publications, Competitions/Media: UKUP, FMC, PURE ELITE, MIAMI PRO
Competition placings; UKUP 1st place figure, UKUP BRITISH FINALS 2nd place and awarded pro card, PCA Bikini British Finalist, Pure Elite Fitness Model 1st place, awarded PRO CARD, FMC – figure girl 1st place x 2 awarded pro card
Wabba – Miss Shape Grand Prix Champion 2017, Invited to represent GB at the Universe Championships in Budapest, Miami pro universe, Muscle model champion 2017
Social Media Links: Personal Facebook: @yvette.geary.1 | Business @yvettegearypro | Twitter: @YvetteGeary | Instagram: @yvette_geary_

Most Brits are very fair-skinned, you have a very exotic tan look, how often do you get mistaken for American, South American, etc? Quite a lot. Most people are quite shocked that I’m British but I suppose it’s good to be different.
Regardless, you are stunningly beautiful and very well-toned, what is your secret to staying in shape? Competing aside I think it’s important to look after yourself. A good healthy and well balanced diet plus regular exercise is key for me. Ensuring I drink at least 4l of water daily and use a good multi vitamin. Getting stage ready is a process and it’s important to enjoy it, keeping the mind healthy and taking a positive outlook on life really helps me to attain my goals. I like to feel good and exercise and eating a well balanced diet really do help.

In your opinion, what is the difference between fitness modeling in England, as opposed to the States and other parts of Europe? I think fitness modelling in the U.K. is less developed than it is in Europe and more so the States. The fitness opportunity is much better in other countries and I feel the fitness models themselves are much more acknowledged. I’m sure it will develop and grow within the UK but it’s currently much harder to gain the recognition deserved with the U.K.
Thoughts on how Instagram has helping raise the profile of fitness models and motivation? I love Instagram and really do think it’s an effective and efficient way of raising models profile and motivation. I think as long as the model is true to themselves in what they post (don’t over airbrush pics or use misleading posts), they can attract a positive range of followers.

With fall here, what fashion and fitness tips and trends do you have for looking good and staying in shape when the temperature drops? My dedication to my training I always aim to sustain. I get a positive mind after training and I know that if I over indulge it’s a negative circle impact. I feel low, negativity increases and then I have to get out of that mindset. Its much easier to have treats but in a sensible manner rather than to over indulge.
What is THE one hot item that you must have/or get this season? It has to be my schiek waist belt! Amazing support for the lower back and really promotes good posture! So important for training
Athleisure? Fashion or fitness fad? Possibly both! But I say a fantastic fad either way! The gym clothing available today is gorgeous with the added bonus of comfort ! Plus it gives that extra incentive to go to the gym even if you aren’t keen! I get those days but simply push through …… benefits are so worth it.

What is your workout and fitness secret to staying in shape? Balance and variation. Both to my diet and training. Your body will respond better to change and appreciate the variation as will your mind.
Any future projects coming down the pipeline? I have some photoshoot booked and few publicity events, but I’ll be using my improvement to work on my weak areas as I prepare to compete in the WBFF federation in April 2018, plus I’ll be stepping onto the Miami Pro stage next year to compete as a Pro!
What part of the body do people tend to overlook when trying to work out? I think core! Waistline especially for women. Core strength is so important for every exercise you do and having a good core really helps keep that waistline tight, supports the back and makes all round training much more effective. Also reduces injuries as core stability offers all round support
Describe your daily workout routine? Each day is different. I work on a body part each day so I can focus specifically on that area to work it to the best potential. Cardio in improvement season is very little of low intensity. I still incorporate it for health and conditioning. Stretching is incorporated every workout. It’s vital for flexibility and recovery.
What’s on your workout playlist music wise? I definitely need dance music to motivate me! Current chart dance or older remixes are mostly on my playlist.
Within the industry, who is your modeling inspiration? I’d have to say Hattie Boydle – WBFF Fitness pro. Amazing physique and beautiful. Love her attitude to training too

Outside of modeling, what are your hobbies? Obviously gym and Fitness. I love to study the dynamics of the body too along with nutrition and the science behind it.
Sports question: Who are your favorite teams and clubs? Being a Wigan born girl I’m a Wigan rugby fan. Football would have to be Liverpool
What advice would you give to women aspiring to get into modeling? Focus on yourself and your qualities. Don’t try to be someone else and don’t compare yourself to others. Keep a positive mental attitude and do the best you can for you. Be grateful of what you have rather than focus on what you haven’t.
Always value family and friends and those who support you and don’t become too obsessed with the process or your goal. Be happy and enjoy. It’s not a race and don’t stay down when your knocked or rejected; get up and get back on your track.
It’s a large world but only those with strength and determination succeed. Oh and one last thing – never lose who you are. There is no need to become rude or arrogant with success you are still the person you was before you succeeded and nothing should change your inner core. Appreciate and be grateful always x

Special thanks to Yvette Geary for her time and assistance during the Fitness Focus Q and A interview. Images used with permission. If you feel that you have the look of being our next Fitness Focus! babe, email us at inscribermagazine@theinscribermag.com
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