Sleep is very important for high performance. Deep inside, everyone knows this, but it is sleep that we neglect primarily during periods of high stress and employment. Good sleep is important for a person, and this is especially true for entrepreneurs who may need a one percent advantage over their competitors.
If you are reading this over your third morning cup of coffee, then be careful. Here are 10 tips to help you set your day, improve sleep, and take full control of your life and business.
1. Wear glasses to protect against blue light
Most of us know that looking at bright displays before going to bed is undesirable. But who will voluntarily give up smartphones, a computer and a TV in the evening? Not me.
You can use electronics and at the same time improve your sleep if you wear glasses to protect against blue light (for example, made by my company). They block the artificial blue light from the screens, which suppresses the sleep hormone, melatonin. Your body will naturally prepare for a deep restoring sleep, so in the morning you will wake up more focused and full of energy.
2. Accustom yourself to the morning routine
Use a light alarm to wake up at the same time (ideally 90 minutes before work). Do not rush to immediately check your mail or messages: now you are not able to understand them well. At this time, your stress hormone, cortisol, is at its peak.
Do not touch messages from 15 to 90 minutes after waking up until you wake up completely and have breakfast. If you need exercise for the mind, play Lumosity, read a book, or listen to a podcast.
3. Do morning exercises
Studies found that morning exercises contribute to better sleep at night. Those who did exercises at 7 am slept longer and harder than those who trained at 13 or 19 hours.
No need to drain yourself with super-intense training; just do the exercises to warm up or yoga. If distance is not a problem, then walk or bike to work.
4. More often in the sunlight
Science has proven that getting the right dose of sunlight has a positive effect on sleep. Sunlight increases the level of serotonin, adjusts the biological clock to daylight, and improves alertness and productivity. Have a morning cup of coffee in the sun or in the fresh air, this will be the right start to the day.
5. Arrange the workplace
If your office has little natural light, try to take a seat by the window. If this fails, buy a fluorescent lamp and humidifier to clean the air. Go out for a 15-minute walk after lunch to saturate your body with sunlight. When the body is in sunlight, it sets your body clock to daylight, which improves alertness and effectiveness.
6. Do not take alcohol
Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, but it also disrupts your hours of sleep. Your brain and body will not fully recover if you drink. Try not to drink alcohol for 30 days and you will see that your sleep is better.
7. Do not overexcite in the evening
Do not consume caffeine at least six hours before bedtime: it takes so long for caffeine to leave the body.
Try not to reply to letters and messages before going to bed, this puts you at risk of being in a stressful situation, because of which the brain will restlessly work all night. Let others know that you cannot be disturbed 24/7 and that you only check your mail three times a day. All this will be taken for granted, and in addition they can always send SMS if the matter is really important. Alternatively, set up the electronic assistant so that it sends you a message on WhatsApp if an important email arrives.
Leave vibrant video games and surround movies for the weekend. Remove any objects of irritation from the room, such as clutter, exciting books, screaming paintings or work materials.
8. Accustom yourself to the evening routine
Light exercise, such as swimming, helps clear the mind after an eventful day. Lower your home lighting (switch to a less powerful light source, such as candles or lamps). Transfer the thoughts swarming after a hard day to paper. Take this opportunity to make a to-do list the next day or write what you are grateful for.
Pack your bag so you don’t have to do this in the morning. Perhaps it’s worth ironing clothes, making dinner or cleaning the house – so you will relieve yourself of any disturbing thoughts before going to bed. It is worth thinking about meditations.
9. Take vitamins with magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral substance with an anti-stress effect that has a positive effect on sleep. Magnesium deficiency is the second in the list of deficient substances in the body in developed countries and this can lead, among other things, to insomnia. Magnesium glycinate, which can be bought at a pharmacy, is well absorbed. Alternatively, you can use a magnesium spray or bath with magnesia.
10. Set up the bedroom
A person sleeps better in the dark. Our ancestors woke up, worked and slept depending on the sun, because in those days at the time of darkness there was nothing left but to sleep. The light sources in the room can disturb the phase of sleep, so get rid of the clock with a digital display or set an alarm with a dimmer.
Tape the bright LEDs with electrical tape. Buy light-proof curtains. Hang light-fastening material with a clasp on windows or wear a sleep mask. Maintain your room at an optimum temperature of up to 20 degrees Celsius.
If you want to read more tips for good sleep click here!