Orlando is in the State of Florida. It is the center of Orlando Metropolitan Area with the population of more than 2 million people as of 2010 census. Like any big city, Orlando has regular gridlock and traffic jam almost on a daily basis; peak hours occur during weekday morning after 7 AM and afternoons after 4 PM.
Seven major highways facilitate road transportation in Orlando. In terms of auto insurance, Orlando is governed by Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. This means Orlando implements a no-fault insurance regulation, a generous policy that makes sure you get medical coverage in the event of an accident.
Good to Go auto Insurance does not currently sell or underwrite auto insurance policy in Orlando, yet it can still provide its services for you through its affiliated companies. The insurer is a subsidiary of American Independent Companies, Inc., and this parent company currently has three branches licensed in Orlando, Florida including Omni Indemnity Company, Omni Insurance Company, and American Independent Insurance Company.
When looking for cheap auto insurance coverage in Orlando, Good to Go Insurance will refer you to either its affiliate or non-affiliate to suit your needs.
Orlando Insurance Regulation
Similar to any other city in the state of Florida, Orlando requires every driver licensed in the city to purchase at least PIP (Personal Injury Protection) and PD (Property Damage) coverage. Bodily injury liability is not required because Florida is a no-fault state. This regulation makes sure that your insurance company will pay for your medical cost following an accident regardless of who is at fault.
It prevents any party involved in the accident to file a lawsuit against each other which often leads to lengthy and more expensive legal procedures. It is better that everyone gets immediate medical attention without worrying about the cost rather than figuring out the possible outcome of the court process. The minimum limit of Personal Injury Protection is $10,000.
PIP covers only the medical cost, but not the property damage for which you are liable. It is the main reason that you are also required to purchase PD (Property Damage) coverage. It covers any damage for which you are liable up to the limit of your policy.
Good to Go Auto Insurance in Orlando also offers additional coverage including Comprehensive and Collision. Although the company is mainly recognized to provide a minimum liability limit for high-risk drivers, it actually has some interesting discounts and extra coverage options for those who need more financial protections on the road of Orlando, Florida.