Brock Thomas is a 29 yr old man from New York. He has struggled with the disease of addiction for many years. In 2019 he relocated to Daytona Beach Florida where he went to detox and then moved into a sober living facility called Solutions by the Sea. He was doing really well. He had a good job which he took a lot of pride in, he never missed work, and was always so proud of himself at the end of the day.
He built a family there, like most of us do.
Brock is a kind person, with a heart of gold. He was always known for his good heart and being someone you could talk to when you needed a friend. Brock was the kind of guy who would sit up late with you while you cried and never judged you once. He was a happy person with so much going for him. He found a family in the rooms (recovery world) and now had brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and 2 women who became like mothers to him.
In July of 2019 after building up some clean time, Brock decided he wanted to travel back to New York to get the title for his motorcycle and then drive it back down to Florida. After many discussions, and hesitation from his family and friends Brock decided this was something he needed to do. So his friends took him to the airport and said goodbye, expecting him to return within a week.
He stayed in touch for the first week, but then communication went dark. His family and friends remained hopeful and continued reaching out even though he didn’t respond. At long last he sent a video call from a dark room in august to tell everyone he loved them, and was sorry for disappointing everyone and wanted to do better and come home. After that communication ceased again.
The last spotting of him was in a Facebook photo posted January 31st of 2020. He was in the background with friends and looked as though he had lost a lot of weight and was under the influence. Family and friends reached out to the friends in the photo, Mr. And Mrs. Bement. Whom had responded rudely and refused to cooperate with the search. So the only lead we had to Brocks whereabouts became a dead end.
I reached out to his family and close friends from his sober home for comment and was greeted warmly with worry and desperation to find him. His mother asked that we tell Brock if he is reading this, “I love you and you need to come back to your family.” She also said, “my heart aches everyday for my son.” I cannot begin to imagine the worry a mother must feel knowing her child is out there struggling and risking his life everyday under the influence of toxic people with no hope. My heart goes out to Mrs. Thomas sincerely.
His friends from Florida were eager to comment in hope’s that he may see it, I spoke to Jamie Hughes and Drew Hughes whom consider Brock to be close family and at one time shared a home with Brock, whom was an uncle to their 3 year old daughter. They just want him to come home. They are worried and scared for him. They said that their little girl still asks for him and it breaks their heart. He promised that little girl he would be back, and she is still waiting for her Brock. They just want to see him safe and sound where he belongs, with his family.
The search for Brock Thomas has now become a viral search. The hashtag #bringbrockhome has now become a household thing used to post supportive messages and information for the search. A Facebook page has also been created to update followers on the search the link is www.facebook.com/bringbrockhome please feel free to follow the page and show your support.
Brock is not just another drug addict. He is a son, a brother, a father, a friend. He is a good person trapped in a lifestyle he cannot escape from without help. Please share this story, and show your support in anyway you feel may help. We know this isn’t going to happen overnight. We don’t expect Brock to just appear happy, safe, and sober. We know this is just the beginning of an uphill battle to save a life. But to his family, friends, sober network, and ex-coworkers, he is a life worth fighting for.
As for me, Brock if you are reading this, I know you are uncomfortable with all of the attention, with the world knowing who you are and what you’re going through. But look past that and realize that the whole world cares. They want you to be safe and get the help you need. I love you, you have been my rock many times before. You are such a good person and you are so dearly missed. Come home, we will bring you home. We will get you the help you need and we will be there to hold your hand through every step. Reach out, say you’re ok. Come home. We need you.
Till next time.
Brittany ♡