Prior to the development of Oduwa Coin, Bright Enabulele knew that bringing up the conversation of cryptocurrency would prove to be difficult. Though many were interested in the concept, the topic of digital currency still proved to be a gamble most chose not to take. This only inspired Bright to work harder. He was more determined than ever to open up the dialogue of cryptocurrency with his peers. Marketed mainly towards the native African community worldwide, Bright saw the potential of blockchain technology in enriching his community through financial tools. With the vision of aiding Pan-Africans to obtain the goal of independence from upcoming financial burdens; Bright wants to use Oduwacoin as the vessel to change the way people engage financially in the digital economy.
As a pioneer in its industry, Oduwacoin has revolutionized the approach when it comes to blockchain technology. Equipping people with the right knowledge is how Bright seeks to benefit his community. Knowing first hand the benefits of financial literacy, he fights daily to enrich those unaware of the benefits that can be reaped from an investment into the world of cryptocurrency. It takes a revolutionary thinker like Bright to successfully construct as well as execute the concept of a blockchain cryptocurrency network. Shining light on these benefits to the people who have been skeptical about technology, Bright’s well on his way to establishing Oduwacoin as a major cryptocurrency for trading
Paired with years in software, blockchain technology was just another hurdle for Bright in his goal of setting up a full-stock network. Having been introduced to it in 2010, Bright’s mission has yet to falter as he strives to set new goals and explore other opportunities for Oduwacoin. Aside from benefiting from time spent in the work of cryptocurrency networking, Bright felt it was crucial to also enrich others in what he has learned along the way. By establishing the need for change within his community, he has led by example, showing what an investment in the world of cryptocurrency can provide. Valuing his community and seeking a merger between the world of cryptocurrency and the Pan-African community, it is this ambition to see his people thrive that has fueled him for so long. As Bright has brought these opportunities to the attention of the Pan-African community, they have begun to embrace the idea of cryptocurrency. By impacting his community through his experiences, Bright is able to provide Oduwacoin a place to make more necessary changes in an effort to bring the countless benefits of blockchain to indigenous communities.
Staying true to his African roots, he works to provide a better financial future for his people. Introducing the idea of blockchain and cryptocurrency was a way for Bright to provide them with the legs to stand on in the market of digital currency. By helping establish Oduwacoin, Bright has been able to give his community opportunities that did not exist before, as well as safely guide them through the cut-throat industry of cryptocurrency. As the Co-Founder of Oduwa Blockchain Solutions, Mr. Enabulele participated in the creation of a cryptocurrency networking system known as Oduwacoin. Taking the first step into financial inclusion, Bright has highlighted the issue his community faced and attacked it head on. It is through Oduwacoin that people can finally gain ground when it comes to their experience within blockchain and cryptocurrency management.
Safe and efficient, Oduwacoin has captured a corner of the market that had been previously overlooked. By implementing strong core values, as well as an end goal for digital currency education, Oduwacoin has brought a sense of community to the competitive world of cryptocurrency. “The price could rise and fall, subject to the community’s trust.” Relying on those who built him through the years is what has given Bright the drive to see Oduwacoin to the end. In a couple of years, Bright wishes to see massive growth in Oduwacoin in terms of community involvement.