When you are a busy woman, it can be quite difficult to find the time to work out.
As you are clearly pressed for time, it will be more likely that you will make certain mistakes whereas your fitness routine is concerned. These mistakes, whether small or big, are going to keep you from reaching your fitness goals.
In the paragraphs below, discover some of these errors and also how to correct them. Make sure to share this newfound information with the other mommies you are friends with, so that they can benefit from an efficient workout as well.
#1 More cardio than necessary
Given the fact that your time to work out is rather limited, you might be tempted to engage in only a type of physical activity.
Most busy moms engage in more cardio than necessary, thinking that it will help them lose excess weight and increase their physical resistance at the same time.
However, cardio cannot do wonders, and you need more diversity, especially if you want to build muscle mass and increase your overall resistance. Do not concentrate on one single type of physical activity, as this will cause you to become frustrated and disappointed (failure to achieve the weight loss goal you have set for yourself).
#2 Low-calorie diet
If you are a new mom, it is very likely you are fighting to get rid of those extra pounds accumulated during your pregnancy.
No matter how tempting it might be to eat next to nothing, you have to understand that a low-calorie diet can do more harm than good.
First and foremost, it will cause you to eat more for the next meal, forcing you to choose foods that provide immediate energy such as high fiber diet (like as carbs). This will cause even more weight to pile on, regardless of the physical activity you engage yourself into.
Depending on the amount of weight you are interested in losing and the current level of physical activity, a nutritionist can set your daily caloric intake accordingly.
Video: 5 Best Diet Tips For Eating
#3 No change in your workout
As you discover an exercise routine that works and for which you have time, you might be tempted to stick with it. However, on a long-term basis, this is not something that works.
By repeating the same exercises each and every day, you will reach the burnout phase more rapidly and be tempted to quit. Moreover, your body will reach a plateau, and you are not going to lose any more weight.
Keep in mind that we are in general stimulated by variety; you need to switch your workouts to keep yourself challenged.
Yes, you might be busy to plan a new routine, but it only takes a couple of minutes, and it is entirely worth it.
#4 Too slow a pace
As a mom, you have a million of things to do, including getting the kids ready for school, washing, ironing and cooking food.
If you also have to work, then things are even more complicated. In the situation that you have finally decided to become active, do not set your fitness routine at a slow pace.
If you want to lose excess weight, especially in the first few weeks, you need to up your speed (provided you do not suffer from pre-existing conditions, which might put your health at risk). The more intense your fitness routine is going to be, the more calories you are going to burn
#5 Unrealistic expectations
When you are a busy mom, you want to lose a lot of weight in a short period and be done with it. Unfortunately, having unrealistic expectations about your goals is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. In deciding on your goals and also on the fitness routine you are going to follow, you have to take two things into consideration: quality and quantity.
Do not place a lot of pressure on yourself either, as you will only end up frustrated. Also, do not choose a workout routine, just because you have heard another mom talking about it.
Stick with your routine, choose varied exercises and talk to a personal trainer for the best results. Also, reward yourself for each small success. Women facing problem in menopause like irregularity can try Estroven or proper fitness routine accordingly
#6 Working out only at the gym
Many moms consider that the only suitable place to work out is the gym.
As their schedule is hectic, with children requiring a lot of attention, they have the tendency to work out less and less often. If you have a couple of minutes free at home, work out. You do not need to work out individually at the gym.
All you need is a mat and a couple of minutes. The important thing is that you are physically active, as this will help you maintain a positive mental tonus and deal with a busy schedule every day.
These are some of the most common mistakes busy moms need to avoid in their fitness routine. Always remember that physical fitness is a must for all people, no matter how busy they might be.
As a mom, you need to work out, to have the strength to care for your family.
At the same time, it is important to maintain the best diet plan, one that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. As much as it is possible, try to sleep between seven and eight hours per night, so that you have enough energy the following day.
Author Bio: Annie Lizstan works as a health and beauty consultant for online websites and an independent researcher by profession. She had completed her studies from the University of Arizona and currently lives in Wasilla, Alaska.
She always likes to explore her ideas about health, fitness, and beauty. In her recent period, she got an opportunity to explore Glozine lifestyle news . She has experience researching as a passion as well as profession. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
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