There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that the outbreak of Covid – 19 has massively disrupted all of our lives. We can no longer be within two metres of anyone outside of our household – even family, we have to queue to get into the supermarket, and the vast majority of our recreational activities – from going out for a meal, to nipping to the pub with friends – have been put on hold ever since the lock down was announced.
Another industry that has been massively impacted by the coronavirus, is the sporting industry. There isn’t one that has gone unscathed, but for National Football League fans, many are still left asking the question. What will happen next?
Read on to find out more information on how the National Football League is responding to the Covid 19 outbreak, and its subsequent restrictions.
What is the Coronavirus?
The coronavirus – also commonly referred to as Covid – 19, is a respiratory infection which can be passed from human to human via the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. This strand of viruses spread in a very similar manner to the common cold, but come with a much higher level of severity in the respiratory system.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus around the world, all social interaction has been put to a stop. The symptoms include a high temperature and a dry, constant cough – and if someone is believed to have these, then the advice is for them and other members of their household to self – isolate from seven to fourteen days.
It’s the largest global pandemic of our generation, and is therefore being treated with appropriate caution.
People Still Hopeful the Season will Go Forwards
The NFL season was set to begin in September 2020, and officials have claimed that despite Covid – 19 fears, they are still hopeful that the season will go forwards – albeit a little differently than normal.
According to the Washington Post, someone involved in the planning of the league said that the season may include “a potentially shortened schedule, holding games in empty or partially filled stadiums, and moving or rescheduling games if necessary”.
In the same article, the following was also quoted:
“I don’t know if it’ll be a one-third-filled stadium, a half-filled stadium or whatever. The NFL is planning for everything from playing without fans to playing in full stadiums. We know there will be a push from the [federal] government to open things up.”
So for those fans holding season tickets who are eagerly anticipating the upcoming September season, all hope may not be lost. However, it may be slightly different from what we’re used to in the traditional National Football League. If social distancing guidelines are still in place legally, then there is a chance that stadiums could be empty and the matches live streamed, or even that they only host the games at half capacity in order to make sure that fans can stay two metres apart from each other at all times.
Of course, this all speculation at current, but there is a chance that the season will go forwards. It could just be very different to the seasons we are used to.
What About Fans Who Hold Season Tickets?
Many fans hold season tickets for the national football league, which are paid for well in advance – and quite often don’t come cheap. So what will happen to these tickets should games not go forwards, or will do so in empty stadiums? Surely fans will be eligible for a full refund, right?
Well, the good news here, is that a memo was sent to all thirty – two members in the league by Commissioner Roger Goodell acknowledging what should happen in these scenarios if tickets were purchased by the club directly:
“all clubs will have in place a policy under which, if a game is cancelled, or is played under conditions that prohibit fans from attending, anyone purchasing a ticket directly from the club (i.e., season tickets, group sales and/or partial season plans) will have the option of either receiving a full refund or applying the amount paid toward a future ticket purchase directly from the club.”
As much as we all hope the season can go forwards come September 2020, it’s nice to have the security of knowing that should you already hold a season ticket and things change, you’ll be eligible for a refund.
We hope you are all keeping safe and healthy, and that the NFL league will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.