Crystals are becoming widely popular as home decor that provides a classic and aesthetic touch in the house.
But crystals are much more than shiny pieces of stone used to enhance the appearance of the house. Crystals have been used for centuries for healing and meditation since they are known to have healing properties.
Crystals are formed in the earthly womb over centuries through the metamorphic heating and cooling of water. Then, they are shelled from the depths of the earth; they move, break apart and form once again; they are very much active and influence us in many ways.
Crystals have a long history of protection and help achieve a higher state of consciousness in many ways.
If you want to start your healing through crystal healing sets, you need to know your objective clearly and determine your willingness to practise.
Cleanse And Begin With Yourself:
Make It A Habit: Crystal healing is similar to yoga, but for your soul. You need to have a strong willingness to practise and welcome this routine like your skincare.
Discover Your Potentials: There might be days where you might be tired, more than usual, or perhaps anxious for unknown reasons, and these days you perhaps need these crystals more than ever.
Know Your Spot: Look for the right location, somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Set the right temperature of the room, where you can sit without much fidgeting. Choose the light that is not too dense but also gives an exactly right feel.
Add On Essentials: You can add various things to your decor and the room you meditate on. Essential oils, candles, incense sticks, photographs, pious statues or flowers, anything can help.
Cleanse And Begin With Crystals:
- Pass the crystal through sage smoke.
- Use sound therapies using a singing bowl near the crystals.
- Place the crystals under the moon or sun overnight or over a day, respectively.
- Let it be submerged under the running water for some time.
- Keep the crystal in salt water for some time.
- Keep your crystal hidden, Under the bowl or the brown rice. Make sure to do your due diligence when it comes to what crystals can go in the water. So, crystals may be affected by water differently; some stones may need to be rinsed with only cold water, whereas others should go in a glass or ceramic container with distilled or rainwater. Furthermore, some crystals should never be immersed in the water at all, but rather just wiped down with a damp cloth.
You cannot perform all of these activities with a single crystal. All crystals have different cleansing requirements according to the birth signs and the healing energies of different sources.
Connect Your Soul With Your Higher Being:
- Stay grounded, and connect your higher self with the supreme and cosmic energy. In addition, your intentions should connect you to the worldly understanding of good and evil.
- Connect the crystal vibrations to your breath and find the source of your energy. You can keep your eyes half open or meditate with your eyes fully closed, anything that distracts you the least.
- You are getting distracted, don’t worry, it’s not just you. So many people get distracting thoughts while meditating; you are just an amateur.
- Acknowledge and understand the distractions and try to divert your mind away from them. Use the sensations like vibrations, visions and thoughts that radiate with the crystal.
- Keep the crystals for not more than twenty minutes in contact with your body. The crystal; radiate a cosmic aura that might discomfort some people. Relax and remove them and sit straight for a while.
Choose your crystals wisely. Every crystal radiates a different aura and helps to activate different chakras of the body. You can purchase the crystal healing kit and understand all the stones to use them efficiently to bring positive energy and a good aura to your life.