Are you making travel plans, and you wish to bring your cat along? Without adequate and appropriate measures, your trip could be stressful and even risky for you and your cat. There are simple, truthful, and practical tips on how to travel with your cat.
Would you like to know them? I share them with you below. Enjoy!
1. Visit Your Vet Before Traveling.
A common worry which intrigues most cat owners is the need to tranquilize before the journey or not. Remember, tranquilizing your cat ahead of your trip has its medical risks and benefits. For this reason, the whole issue of tranquilizing should be informed by your vet.
Generally, it is not recommended that you tranquilize your cat before traveling with her. Your vet is in the position to offer professional insight into this matter. The vet will review your cat’s existing medical complications and her motion sickness tendencies before considering the benefit or harm of tranquilizing.
Only the vet can perform a thorough medical examination and recommend any medication if need be.
2. Time Bathroom and Meal Breaks
While you might be used to car rides, traveling can get bumpy for your cat. Such bumpy movement is nauseous and uncomfortable for your cat. As a result, she could develop the tendency to poop, puke, or even pee frequently (1).
To avoid such motion sickness tendencies, ensure that your cat is well fed hours to starting your journey. Ideally, you need to feed your cat between four and five hours ahead of your travel. By feeding your cat ahead of the tour, you allow her to digest and complete her bathroom needs before you hit the road. Additionally, she will be less queasy throughout the ride.
3. Plan for Adequate Pit Stops
If your journey is considerably long, you need to make pit stops.
Your cat could be trained to feel comfortable in your car. Even then, you will still notice signs of nervousness whenever your cat is traveling with you in your car. Also though your cat could be used to spending time in your car while at home, she is likely to be affected when you put her in the vehicle for overly long stretches.
Therefore, pit breaks are necessary if your cat is to enjoy your trip. If possible, make pauses after every two or three hours of travel. These breaks will allow your pet to get some fresh air and rest.
If the journey is overly long, it is recommended that you carry some of your best cat food, one example is Whole Earth Farms cat food. During one of these breaks, your cat could use a sip of water and a bite of her best cat food. However, remember the effect of food on triggering motion sickness. Therefore, keep the cat food you serve her at its bare minimum (2).
You may also wish to purchase the best cat food while away on your journey. Here, ensure that you look closely at the ingredients used to make the food. Read the labels to determine the safety of the food for your cat. Also, check on the age-appropriateness of the food you purchase (3).
4. Get a Quality Cat Carrier.
A quality cat carrier is a necessity for a safe and stress-free ride with your cat.
No matter your chosen means of traveling, your cat’s movement needs to be restricted. A cat carrier is a reliable way to confine your cat. Pet owners agree that driving with a loose cat in your car could significantly distract you, and this could lead to a collision (4).
Therefore, ensure to confine your cat in a carrier. However, the carrier must be high quality. Here, look for a carrier which ample space inside to allow your cat rest in it comfortably. The carrier must be fitted with your cat’s favorite and comfortable stuffing. Furthermore, the carrier needs to be sturdy to offer ultimate durability.
5. Choose Cat-friendly Options, Always!
If you are going to travel with your cat, then you must make more plans as opposed to hitting the road by yourself.
Check the immunization regulations which govern traveling with cats in your region. Also, determine whether your preferred airline allow cats in the cabin. Ensure you carry all the cat’s necessities.
You need to choose a route that your cat will enjoy. Here, it not about the road alone, but also your lodging facilities awaiting you at the end of the trip. Inspect the accommodation facilities for both of you. Double-check your preferred hotel to determine whether it is pet-friendly. I would recommend that you settle for a hotel that offers various pet commodities, or that which allows their clients to check in with their pets. Even though this might cost more, your pet’s safety and fun also count.
If you’re keeping your cat in a hotel room and out for almost 24 hrs, an Automatic cat feeder machine is also recommended. You can set the food portion and it will feed your cat timely. There are various options available online and you can compare the cat feeder that is suitable to your needs.
By adhering to these simple and practical measures, you can experience a pleasurable trip with your cat. Above all, you won’t worry about your cat’s safety and well-being. You don’t need to leave your cat behind. Bring her along, and let your kitty have some fun during your trip.
What are your secret tips for traveling with your beloved cat?
Name: Ruby Smith
Email: ruby@petsofun.com
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Ruby is the proud owner of Pet So Fun. She is also responsible for the abundant content creation on the website. She knows that there are millions of pet owners looking for the right kind of information online. And this is where her expertise lies. Smith writes about pet care health and fitness along with the best pet product recommendations. There is nothing on her blog that doesn’t encourage others to create a healthy and friendly environment for their pets.