Shopping is enjoyable and allows us as consumers to get the products we need and fulfill our requirements by making our everyday work easier. However, being a consumer also comes with risks. If a product you just bought does not work as expected or according to its direction, then it can lead to catastrophic and even life-threatening personal injury accidents.

Manufacturers are responsible to ensure that their products meet safety requirements before arriving on the isles of a shopping center. However, a drive to increase profit margins has caused some manufacturers to overlook safety requirements, thus defective products make way to stores.

When you or someone you know sustains physical harm due to a defective product, life could change forever. The severity of the malfunction decides whether a product liability lawsuit is possible. Working with a product liability lawyer can help you file a claim to recover the damages caused by a defective item.

Read on to know more about product liability.

What is Product Liability?

Product liability refers to a person or party responsible for manufacturing a product and held liable for placing a defective product into the hands of a consumer. Accidents can happen with any product. However, manufacturers and not required to create something that is accident-proof but needs to maintain certain standards.

According to product liability law, consumers have legal protections concerning products deemed to be dangerous and the manufacturers are responsible for testing and inspecting their products.

Common Defective Products

There are various products that have been cited as defective. Products like moto vehicles, boats, cosmetics, food, medicine, and environmental products like pesticides all come under defective products. However, beyond these broad categories, some of the most common defective products are medical devices, household appliances, pharmaceutical drugs, cleaning products, industrial equipment and machinery, and even children’s toys.

Getting injured from a product is a part of a product liability lawsuit and if a product causes severe trauma, the information can be used by a product liability lawyer to negotiate a settlement.

Types of Product Defects

From a liability standpoint, defective products fall into three categories: Design Defects, Manufacturing Defects, and Marketing Defects (failure to provide adequate warning labels).

Design Defects

Defective design refers to when the defect is part of the product design. It is present in the product from the beginning before manufacturing.

Manufacturing Defects

These defects occur when mistakes occur during the manufacturing process, thus leading to dangerous products.

Marketing Defects (Failure to Warn)

Marketing defects occur when the products do not have adequate warning labels, insufficient instructions on how to use a product, or improper labeling.

What Steps to Take When Injured by a Defective Product?

If you are injured by a defective product, immediately seek medical attention, and stop using that product. Product defects can cause severe injuries like serious cuts and bruises, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, burns, illness, and wrongful death, so your priority should be to seek medical help.

If you want to seek compensation, you may need to prove that your injuries were related to the defective product. Preserve all documents of the product such as receipt, packaging, labels, and any instructions included. If possible collect statements from medical professionals, take photographs, and gather any other information you can. Then, contact a reliable and experienced product liability lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your rights. The last thing defective product victims and their families should do is attempt to take on the negotiation on their own. This is because the process is complex, and several parties are involved. Also, most companies will do whatever it takes to discredit product defect injury victims and avoid taking responsibility for the pain and suffering their negligence caused. Product liability lawyers can help protect you from these tactics and hold negligent companies accountable for their defective products.


Defective products can lead to severe injuries and even death. You do not deserve to suffer while a company profits from your misery. To get help, contact Grey Law today to work with an experienced product liability lawyer and get the compensation you deserve.

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