Marijuana is an herb that since time immemorial has been used for achieving euphoria. Is Marijuana a medicinal drug? This is yet to be confirmed though some people claim to have used it for medicinal value.

As much as use of Marijuana is illegal is many countries, from 2737 B.C, marijuana was described in a Chinese Medical compilation. It is made from chemicals called cannabinoids. The chemical is extracted from leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. The chemicals are then used to make medicine.

In America, precisely from 1850 marijuana was prescribed for labor pains, nausea, intoxication and rheumatism. However, a campaign that was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (now called Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs) portrayed that marijuana is a hard, powerful and addictive substance.

Nonetheless, there is some truth to marijuana working magic on patients. For example, marijuana usage has recorded positive result on patients with cancer, asthma, sclerosis, depression and glaucoma.

Despite the medicinal value that marijuana holds, here are some of the health risks marijuana users should watch out for. Prolonged use of marijuana causes;

Addiction/dependency – marijuana is indeed powerful. Prolonged use of this substance causes your body to depend on the drug.
Emotional issues – people who use (or abuse) marijuana have emotional issues. They sometimes cannot portray happiness unless they have a few puffs. In other cases, marijuana causes depression.
Sexual problems – though not common, some of marijuana users claim to low sexual libido. How true that is, is something we cannot term factual.
Heart disease/heart attack – the heart is one of the most vital parts of the body. Use of marijuana causes rapid heartbeat causing heart disorders and sometime heart attack. This is very dangerous and in most cases it becomes fatal, leading to death.
High blood pressure – whether taken for recreational or medicinal purposes, prolonged intake of this substance can cause high blood pressure; another fatal condition
Other minor risks include; Dryness of mouth, numbness, drowsiness, impaired judgment, headaches, hallucinations and flashbacks.
When to be Extra Cautious
During Pregnancy – although use of marijuana alleviates nausea and vomiting, it is not advisable for pregnant mothers to rely on the drug to feel better. The drug slows down fetal development.
When Breastfeeding – for lactating mothers, use of marijuana reduces their breast milk nutrients, hence slowing the child’s growth rate.
When you suffer from heart conditions – prolonged use of marijuana increases the heart beat and can be severe to heart disease patients. It can cause a heart attack within no time, can cause high blood pressure and in some cases though rare, lung disease. Seizure disorders – in some cases, marijuana reduces seizures while in other cases accelerates them.

The Medical Usage of Marijuana

Marinol is a chemical found in Marijuana that is taken orally. It is used to improve appetite of patients especially those undergoing chemotherapy and HIV/Aids treatment. Over the years, marijuana has been found to be a quick pain reliever.

Because of the chemotherapy and the pain that cancer patients go through, some people in America (mostly doctors) advice on the use of medicinal pot.

Bio: Are you looking for the truth about medicinal flowers and plants? Visit and find out how flowers and plants like marijuana are of value to patients.

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