Not all flowers can produce fruit. Some flowers are meant for beauty only whereas some others produce fruits. The beauty of flowers is like having a world-changing idea but no result at the end. Formulating an idea is not all you need to become a successful entrepreneur. You need to know how to become a successful entrepreneur by learning the cause of why others succeeded. Today we are featuring Meeta Vengapally who established a Silicon Valley-based fitness and technology management company named ‘Garnysh’.
Short Bio of Meeta Vengapally
Name: Meeta Vengapally
Designation: Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of ‘Garnysh’, Fashion model and Instagram influencer.
Company Location: Silicon Valley, California, USA
Working Arena: Fitness and nutrition management through different platforms including the mobile application, a fashion model and an influencer on Instagram.
Meeta Vengapally has been asked some questions but including here the top three important questions that may help new entrepreneurs.
Questions: Why are your ideologies as an entrepreneur?
Meeta: I believe in quality life. A life that soothes our mind and helps us to complete our daily tasks effectively. To do that fitness is a necessity. That’s the reason for working for providing a fit life for everyone.
To start the business of ‘Garnysh’, I have taken the motivation from my personal life. My life was not so good and smooth before managing my fitness. After starting managing my health and nutrition, it changed dramatically and I felt heavenly. That’s the ideology, providing services that take care of our body and soul through tracking fitness and nutrition need of a human.
I do not believe in the answer ‘NO’. Even the word ‘IMPOSSIBLE’ says ‘I M POSSIBLE’. So, I believe that everything is possible. Its another ideology I always follow.
Question: What are the main difficulties you faced in setting up your business?
Meeta: In a word, it is ‘courage’. New entrepreneurs need to have a lot of courage before starting up the entrepreneurship business. I set up almost all of my business using own funds and after starting I got some really good backup from the returns of the business. I reinvested those returns and my business now seems to be in a stable position. Another difficulty, I faced is the marketing of my business. I made close contact with the local gyms and solved the problem within months. Thus I got some referrals, based on my niche and got recurring sales of my product.
Question: Tell us something really inspirational about your business, your Instagram and modeling career?
Meeta: Fitness and nutrition are really important to keep good health. You need to follow some certain rules to maintain good physic. Maintaining good health is important in each sort of business and for any entrepreneur. My business aims at achieving your health and nutrition goals by real-time tracking and analytics.
I got a good response from Instagram users, many of them became my client later. Due to this great response from Instagram users, I became a top influencer on Instagram. Moreover, I am also working as a fashion model, that is helping me to spread my styles worldwide.
These are the three most important questions faced by Meeta Vengapally in our interview. Meeta urges that you will face a lot of distractions, problems and bad words from everyone at the starting of your business. If you want to be a successful businessman, focus on your target, not at those distractions.