IVF refers to an assisted reproductive technology where the human egg and sperm are fertilised in a laboratory outside the natural environment of the human body. In IVF with donor eggs, women use eggs donated by another woman.

The process is particularly used by couples experiencing difficulties in a normal IVF due to various diminished ovarian reserves, poor egg quality, or to prevent the transfer of existing genetic conditions to their children. It is also a way out for same-sex couples to experience the joy of childbirth and start their own family by using a surrogate.

Let’s explore IVF with donor egg process step by step.

Initial consultation

You have to register your interest in receiving donor eggs. Consult a best fertility specialist to understand how the process works and get all your queries answered. Most clinics will provide a highly experienced fertility consultant to help you in every way possible.

Important tests and additional consultation

Once your enquiry is done, you will undergo comprehensive fertility tests and consultations. An internal ultrasound will assess the condition of your ovaries, uterus, and endometrium. For heterogeneous couples, the male partner will have to provide a semen sample to analyse the vitality, motility, morphology, and concentration of the sperm to detect any possible issues. After that, you will also be screened for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, C, and HIV.

Counselling sessions

While some regard it as an option, several fertility clinics insist on counselling sessions to ensure the right kind of support for the patients. This provides you with a safe space where you can feel supported and discuss your feelings about seeking donor eggs for undergoing IVF treatment in Bangalore.

Search for a suitable donor candidate

Once you have confirmed that you will proceed, a suitable candidate for donor eggs will be identified. Usually, the clinic will conduct a thorough background check of the individual and determine if their profile meets your requirements. Some of the leading fertility clinics are always open to welcoming new donors and can help you find your match within a few days.

Ovarian stimulation

After a donor candidate is identified, the IVF cycle will get underway. The egg donor starts with the ovarian stimulation phase, where the ovaries are stimulated to produce more mature eggs than normally witnessed in a menstrual cycle. The donor is required to undergo fertility medications for around 8-14 days, along with blood tests and scans every 2-3 days. A final trigger hormone is administered to stimulate the final egg maturity cycle within the follicles.

Time to collect the eggs

Egg collection will begin around 36 hours after the stimulating trigger shot is administered. An expert fertility doctor will pierce the vaginal wall and insert a needle into every ovarian follicle, gently drawing out the mature eggs using a suction device. Stored as a fluid, this is subsequently examined by an embryologist who identifies and retrieves the matured egg cells.

Egg fertilisation and embryo transfer

Once a batch of mature, viable eggs has been retrieved, they are fertilized with the sperms in a laboratory. As these develop into embryos, they are transferred into the uterus with the help of a thin catheter.

In some cases, the doctor may use ultrasound imaging techniques to identify the specific location. Patients are unlikely to complain of any discomfort during this process and can go about their daily lives.

The final step – a pregnancy test

Around 10-14 days after the transfer, you will need to undergo a pregnancy test to help determine if the implantation has been successful. Confirmatory blood tests and hCG level tests are also commonly conducted. Upon successful implantation, you will proceed with the pregnancy with the recommended personal care plans and consultations.

An IVF journey with donor eggs represents a unique proposition that needs a great deal of expert guidance and support all along. This is possible only when you are under the care of experienced professionals from the best IVF clinic in Bangalore, such as Samrudh.

Reputed centres like them have the necessary expertise and qualified fertility specialists to help you deal with the challenges and make your overall IVF journey the memorable journey that it’s meant to be.

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