Perhaps the toughest job that no one talks about or gives credit for. As one who is the proverbial glue that holds a household together.
Mothers are the ones who manage schedules for the kids, does all the cooking, cleaning, handles finances and provides the nurturing, love and support of a family. It is not easy, nor is it glamorous or noteworthy, but being a mom is never easy. There are reasons why Mother’s Day was first made into a national holiday back in 1914, under President Woodrow Wilson.
Even in The Age Of Social Media, being a mother is even more challenging than ever. You have things such as “mom-shaming” in which trolls try to criticize or shame other parents in how ones kids are being raised or their personal beliefs are first indoctrinated.
And if you’re a very beautiful or attractive individual such as a model. The proverbial bullseye becomes only bigger. Thanks to the ongoing debate and outrage over breast-feeding, birth control and lifestyle, famous celebrity models such as Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson and ELLE Australia model, Nicole Trunfio have gained some unneeded attention.
In an age of constant nit-picking over parenting, looks and post-baby figures, Italian model and new mom, Claudia Borioni seems to have a good handle on things. Still young in terms of modeling at 26, the 5’9 long-legged bella, who has modeled for brands such as Versace and Giorgio Armani, welcomed her first child, Stefano back in April.
A stunning beauty and and even better individual, the Rome-born Claudia has gladly embraced the challenging new role of being a mother as well as a model.
Below, I catch up with Claudia–as I interviewed her here at INSCMagazine, last March–as we talk parenthood, being both a mom and model, dealing with online critics and how happy she is to be a first-time parent.
Mama Mia!
Name: Claudia Borioni
Age: 26
Height: 176 cm (5’9)
Birthplace: Rome, Italy
Measurements: 85-68-98 (33-26-38)
Modeling Agency: No one
Social Media Links: Facebook: Claudia Borioni | Instagram: @claudiaborioni_official
Mama Mia! Congratulations on the birth of your first child, how has being a mother and parent changed you? Being a mother has made me much more accommodating, now I’m more quiet, sweet and understanding. Surely it is due to the fact that my son has made my life much happier and that now, and forever, he is my priority and I don’t care about the rest.
Boy or girl? which one were you kinda hoping for? A boy!!! I know that all moms say the same thing but I can assure you that I had no preferences, rather even before we discovering his sex I felt inside me that it would be male, I imagined walking around the world with by my side an handsome tall and beautiful guy so when we knew it with certainty it was the confirmation of what I felt.
What’s the best part about being a new mom? The best part of being a mom? My child!!! Maternity is such a beautiful and engaging thing, that every moment and every experience is full of joy for me and even fatigue becomes pleasant and happy.
Baby formula or breast-feeding? I breastfeed my child and it is one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to me. When he grows older and starts eating “real” food I already know that I will miss this feeling, even if I replace it by going out with him for dinner together!!!
Do you feel confident in being able to juggle modeling and motherhood? Modeling is my job but first of all I am a mother so my child takes precedence over everything. For now I always take him to work with me because I have recently started working again and I still do not have many engagements.
What advice have friends and family given you? Actually I haven’t received any real advice, also because I think every mother knows what is best for her child. Rather, I was helped with practical things: do you know that in Italy we invented a changing table that protects the child from possible falls (Dieghino by Trias)? That for me was a much more useful gift of so many tips !!!
What advice would YOU GIVE to models that are expecting or are about to become parents for the first time? My advice to the model is to focus on the well-being of the child and not on the physical form avoiding extreme home-made diets during pregnancy and lactation. There will be time to get back into shape. The advice that I then give everyone is to choose good and safe products, for example for my son I use Baby Linen diapers and Nuk products that are sure to be certified and safe.
So, you’re going to take some time off from modeling? If so, besides enjoying your beautiful baby, will you do during your hiatus? I will certainly I work less, a little by choice, a little because my work is based on the physical appearance and after a pregnancy the body changes and it takes time to get back into shape!
My time is all about him, we take long walks, play, rest, go out shopping and with friends and much more! I know it’s early, but I already read him the books, which is why I had a personalized book written by “Urrá Eroi” telling the work my son will do when he’ll grows up.
Do you want to have more children? Certainly yes! But now, I want to enjoy the moment and devote myself entirely to themy baby.
How many times have you gotten the “glowing new mom” look? My style didn’t change a lot, I have always loved simple clothes and fortunately my size has remained more or less the same! For the informal occasions I like to wearing brand like HUNT, Supercut, Ego and BeTop just to name a few, while for the more formal occasions I prefer to wear Ufficio87, Camomilla, Manuela Riva and many others. I also take care of my child’s look, I love handmade like the Infaeeniebennie’s hat, Baby Gioielli or Marslia’s bib.
How have followers online and social media reacted to you being a new mother? My followers have increased and in partly changed, before the baby came, they were only interested about what I wearing, where I eating, what makeup I using while now they want to know also what my child is wearing and the products I use for him!
Any “mom or parent-shamers” you’ve had to deal with yet. If so, what’s your advice for handling them?I am aware that I am not and I will never be a perfect mother even though I do my best to be so. I know that I’m doing always my best and I accept my limits serenely but if sometimes i need help there’s nothing wrong to ask!
Mother. Model. what do you feel most defines you now, and in the future. Mom. I’m and I always be a mom.
Special thanks to Mrs. Claudia Borioni for her time and assistance during the Q and A interview process. Photos courtesy of Francesco Micheli.