Cosplay, people see it as playing “dress-up” for adults. But it is so much more than that. Cosplay is an international phenomenon, and for many it is a way of life. International events such as Comic-con, Mega-con, movie and game releases, and many others are a showcase of many different cosplays by professional, as well as amateur models.
People will go all out spending hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of dollars (and hours) making these amazing works of art to wear to these events. I have met some of the most amazing cosplayers from all over the world, and none have stuck out to me quite like the beautiful and stunning Alicia Lee from England.
Alicia Lee is infamous for her unique cosplays such as, Harley Quinn (Batman comics), Deadpool (gender bent), Alice (Madness Returns), Freddy Kruger (gender bent playboy bunny crossover), Bride of Chucky and Big Sister (Bioshock 2) and so many more! She always dresses to impress and impress she does!
I sat down via video conference with this beautiful and talented artist for a Q&A, and this is what I learned!
Me: What got you into cosplay in the first place?
Alicia: I had some friends that did it (cosplay) and I’ve always had a love for dressing up. Any excuse I could get to be in a costume I took it. So, I made a costume with the help of my mum, and I attended a local convention. It’s been 4 years now and I’ve never looked back. I love it!
Me: What is your favorite cosplay?
Alicia: My favorite character to cosplay as has got to be Harley Quinn. I always have so much fun when I’m her. I have 6 different Harley Quinn costumes and one cross over costume which is Tank Quinn!
Me: How many events have you cosplayed at?
Alicia: I’ve lost count lol. But over the 4 and a half years that I’ve been doing cosplay at conventions, I’d have to say at least 50!!!
Me: What is your favorite thing about cosplay?
Alicia: Definitely the community. Everyone is so friendly, and I love how easy it is to make new friends. Also, I love the sense of being able to be someone else (other than myself) for an event, I get to forget real life for a little while.
Me: How long does it typically take for you to create your finished work?
Alicia: It really varies. It took me 8 months to put suicide squad Harley Quinn together, and I’m still making improvements on that one now. But my Tank Harley Quinn cosplay was put together in 2 days from bits and pieces that I already had from other costumes.
Me: What is your advice for aspiring cosplayers?
Alicia: Don’t hesitate. It’s amazing! It doesn’t matter if your costume is store bought, home-made, good or bad, just try it! You won’t regret it.
Me: If you could be anyone you’ve ever cosplayed as who would it be and why?
Alicia: Definitely Harley Quinn. Why? Because I’m pretty crazy already! I love her as a character. She’s a huge part of me and I feel like I’m so much like her.
Me: What is your most memorable ‘in costume’ experience?
Alicia: When I attended the London mcm (Comic-convention) for the very first time. I was a female Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) and it took me about 30 minutes to walk a couple of meters because people kept stopping me for photos. I met a group of other Mortal Kombat characters and I spent about 20 minutes getting my photos taken with them in one spot. We couldn’t move!
Alicia was an amazing interview and looking into the world of cosplay with her was exhilarating! Alicia works with Rogue Model Management and Latex101 Model Management and currently studies the performing arts at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK. She has absolutely no plans on leaving the cosplay scene.
It has become a part of her just like so many other cosplayers. She is a sweet, smart, and funny woman with a lot of talent and drive. That is why out of 173 cosplayers who submitted photo’s and bio’s in hopes of being featured in this article, I chose her. She is a normal person just like you or I, she just happens to also be a superhero, a villain, a princess, a warrior, and so many other things too!
Alicia Lee can be found on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/HarleyWonderlandCosplay
As well as: https://www.facebook.com/LeoraNyxAltModel
Be sure to follow her and show some support! And if your interested in joining the cosplay community, or trying it out for the first time remember Alicia’s advice…Just do it! You wont regret it!
Till next time my loyal readers…Brittany out!