Acne is an extremely common skin disorder that can leave long-lasting effects in the form of scars. These scars take significantly longer to heal compared to the acne itself, which can be very frustrating. The following acne scar treatments can help your skin regain its original appearance, giving you a major boost of confidence.

How does acne leave scars?

Acne is an inflammatory disorder that causes swelling, which advertently causes a breakdown around the pores and creates blemishes. These blemishes may have varying sizes, which affect the severity of the scars it may leave.

Acne scars are a problem for many people

Scars are the result of your body repairing the wounds left by the acne so most people will need to deal with them, making acne scars very common. Your body will produce collagen to repair the wounds. If there is too much collagen, the scar will appear to rise over the surface of the skin or maybe deeper. Another type of scar is caused by the loss of skin cells, creating an indentation.

Either way, acne scar is pretty much inevitable. However, the good news is that they will eventually heal. Some scars can heal by themselves over time but severe cases will either take very long or cannot automatically heal at all.

This is why there are many forms of treatments available. Some will remove the scars altogether while others utilizes the collagen of the skin to facilitate the healing process.

The best acne scar treatments for different skin conditions

Acne scars can be really frustrating to deal with but the good thing is there are plenty of treatments available. However, it is important to note that you should finish your acne treatments before moving on to the scars.

Here are some viable options to treat acne scars with varying degrees of severity:

Home treatments

For minor cases, you can take care of acne scars with the help of skin care products. It is vital to consult with medical professionals about the products and dosage before using. Additionally, sunscreen can play a small part in healing acne scars. Direct exposure to sunlight may darken scars, making them even more noticeable.

Home treatments may prove effective for some cases of acne scars

However, home treatments are not guaranteed to provide significant results and you should always seek assistance from professionals before undergoing any form of treatment.

Aesthetician-assisted treatments

Many aesthetic service providers are offering various solutions for acne scar treatment. These procedures can treat either minor and more severe cases:

Minimally invasive procedures

Chemical peels: As the name suggests, this treatment removes the top layer of old skin by using chemicals to peel them off. Typically, removing that layer allows new skin to grow, smoothening and improving overall skin condition. In turn, that may heal the acne scars. However, this treatment may only work for minor cases.

Dermabrasion: This treatment has the same idea as chemical peels: removing the top layers of skin. However, it creates friction to sand the top layer, which can help heal acne scars, but leaves behind a sensitive area of skin that may take weeks or months to fully heal.

Microdermabrasion: A less intense version of dermabrasion, this treatment poses fewer risks but you shouldn’t expect significant results. It can improve the skin’s appearance but doesn’t go deep enough to treat severe cases of acne scars.

Laser resurfacing: Referred to by many as the laser treatment, this one also removes the top skin layer and encourages the growth of a new one. The good news is it heals faster than the two previous methods, but it also comes with the need to keep bandages on for the entire healing process. Also, it is also not suitable for people still experiencing breakouts.

Microneedling: This treatment will only work for atrophic scars. Its purpose is to “injure” the affected skin area and stimulate collagen production, therefore filling up the scars. Due to how it works, microneedling will not work for hypertrophic scars.

Rejuran: Rejuran S, a more concentrated version of Rejuran Healer, is specially developed to treat acne scars. This is an aesthetic procedure that involves injecting the substance to promote skin healing and remodel collagen. It is ideal for treating various types of acne scars, such as boxcar scars, icepick scars, and rolling scars. 

Botox: Yes you heard it right, botox does help with acne scars. Atrophic acne scars have been effectively treated with Botox. An injection of BTXA can reduce inflammation and enhance the texture of scars in both the short- and long-term recovery. One safe and efficient treatment for hypertrophic acne scars is botox. For instance, you can get forehead, cheek or chin botox, any area that is bothering you from acne scars. 

Rejuran is a great option for acne scar treatment

Surgical procedures

Excision: With this technique, the dermatologist cuts into the skin, removes the acne scar and then uses stitches to close the wound. This is only for very severe cases, as it can thoroughly treat the scars.

Punch grafting: Similar to excision, the affected skin will be cut and replaced with a skin graft taken from another area of the body, typically behind your ear. The replacement will fill the area where the scar was removed.

Cryosurgery: This treatment uses liquid nitrogen to freeze raised scar tissue. The scar tissue dies and then falls off.

TAEGA is an aesthetic service provider based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia specialized in minimally invasive procedures. With a committed, experienced, and passionate team, TAEGA hopes to play a role in helping patients regain their appearance with highly accessible and effective treatments.

Acne scar treatments are a crucial part of your recovery after an acne breakout. Make sure to consult with dermatologists or other medical professionals to choose the best procedures for your skin condition. If you are looking for safe and affordable treatments, TAEGA can be a trustworthy name in Melbourne, Australia for patients with various needs.

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