Istanbul, the city where Europe meets Asia, is famous for its historic richness and artistic vibrancy. Whether you are a local or a tourist, you should definitely get lost in the cultural istanbul da etkinlik. This year the city is hosting numerous functions which celebrate its unique pasts, present achievements and diverse peoples.Let’s have a look at some top cultural events happening in Istanbul that you cannot afford to miss.

A City That Celebrates Its Vibrant Culture

What makes Istanbul so culturally appealing is its perfect mix of traditional values with modernity. Throughout every single year there are lots of activities happening here that showcase how dynamic this place can be. From music festivals to art shows, from ancient ceremonies to international meetings — everything takes place in Istanbul. egtevent will walk you through some anticipated cultural happenings of 2021 so that none of them slip under your radar.

Istanbul Music Festival

One of the prominent events on Turkey’s cultural calendar is İstanbul Müzik Festivali (The Istanbul Music Festival) organized by İKSV (İstanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts). Held annually during June month it encompasses wide range of performances starting classical ending contemporary pieces both presented by local as well as international talents.

Various Venues Across The City

Among concert places there would be suchlike: Hagia Irene Museum; Sultanahmet Square etc.. Also there are modern settings like Zorlu Performing Arts Centre which offers different kind atmospheres accordingly situated throughout whole town thus adding up into overall festival experience,

Unique Performances & Collaborations

Another characteristic feature about this event lies behind unique collaborations between famous artists emerging ones usually arranged within specific concerts making those nights most memorable ever spent on any stage anywhere else around world hence calling İstanbullar not miss such an opportunity indeed but rather must attend it whenever possible.

International Istanbul Film Festival

Organized again by İKSV (Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts), International Istanbul Film Festival can be considered oldest prestigious cinema event in Turkey. Held annually every April month, it showcases multitude films from all over the globe including features documentaries shorts etc..

Screening Rooms With Awards Sections

These are located at various theatres scattered across the city such as Atlas Cinema or Beyoğlu Cinema among others where award ceremonies will also take place besides panel discussions and Q&A sessions with filmmakers thus ensuring comprehensive filmic experience.

Discovering World Cinema

For those who love watching movies from different countries worldwide this is perfect chance because during International Istanbul Film Festival one gets exposed to works of many unknown directors while having fun too since some them might never show up on big screens otherwise anywhere around here therefore should not miss opportunity like that at all costs but rather use every available means necessary so as not only watch but also understand deeply what message behind each film shown there actually is.

Contemporary Art Showcase

A variety of places host the festival, from outdoor stages to small clubs. The Istanbul Archaeological Museums and the Garden of the Consulate General of Sweden among others create unique settings for performances that will not be forgotten.

Jazz Without Borders

Musicians from diverse backgrounds collaborate at the Istanbul Jazz Festival in cross-cultural performances. This mix of genres and cultures make this event truly international celebration of jazz.

Flower Show in Istanbul 

Every April, Istanbul comes alive with color during the annual Tulip Festival. The occasion commemorates tulips – flowers which have great historical and cultural significance in Turkey. Millions upon millions are planted in parks, gardens and public spaces all over town resulting into stunning displays.

Historical Importance

Since it was cultivated during Ottoman Empire period, tulip has always been considered as a symbol for beauty as well as prosperity in Turkish culture; therefore this festival does not only serve to honor such relation but also seeks after promoting environmental consciousness among individuals through nature appreciation efforts.

Opportunities for Photography in Istanbul

For those who love nature or photography enthusiasts themselves can find no better place than here! There are many locations throughout town like Emirgan Park, Gülhane Park or Sultanahmet Square where you can take some amazing photos against vibrant backdrops created by blooming flowers during this time of year

Competitions and shows

The dance competitions are among the festival’s brightest moments; in them, dancers from different countries present their skills. These performances are a magnificent mix of artistry and athleticism which makes the festival a must for any lover of dance.

Istanbul Chocolate Festival: Sweet Indulgence

For those who have a sweet tooth, the Istanbul Chocolate Festival is an event they can’t afford to miss out on. Held in April every year, this festival brings together chocolatiers, pastry chefs, and dessert fans from all walks of life for one big chocolate celebration!

Tasting and Demonstrations

There is no shortage when it comes to types of chocolates at this festival – you can find everything from handmade truffles to some really innovative creations made by professionals. You also get opportunities to taste them all while watching live demos done by master chocolatiers or even taking part in workshops teaching how to make your own.

Family-Friendly Fun

The Istanbul Chocolate Festival has something for everyone – it’s not just an adults-only affair! There are lots of activities planned specially keeping kids entertained like games with chocolate themes or craft making sessions using cocoa beans as materials. Meanwhile grown-ups will be spoilt for choice when exploring all these gourmet delights laid before them which also happen to offer insights into various aspects surrounding artisanship involved in chocolate production.

Istanbul Tulip Festival: A Tribute To Tulips

In April every year during the Istanbul Tulip Festival millions upon millions of tulips bloom throughout the city turning it into one big colorful sea. This event celebrates historical ties between Turkey (formerly known as Ottoman Empire) and its national flower — tulip; displaying vibrant floral arrangements across parks such as Gülhane Park or Emirgan Park creates eye-catching backdrops that could easily double up as photo studios for tourists.

Spectacular Displays

Apart from just being planted around town squares etc., these flowers are arranged artistically into patterns and shapes which are then put on public display. These displays are so intricate that one can easily get lost staring at them while taking pictures — thus making this festival a photographer’s paradise too!

Cultural Activities

In addition to displaying flowers, the Tulip Festival also hosts various other cultural events including but not limited to music concerts, art exhibitions featuring works inspired by tulips themselves or traditional crafts like pottery-making demonstrations etc., ensuring there is something of interest for everyone irrespective of their age group or background knowledge about nature appreciation.

Istanbul Shopping Fest: Retail Extravaganza

The Istanbul Shopping Fest held in June each year is a dream come true for any shopaholic as it offers amazing bargains across all malls and markets found within city limits. This festival seeks to establish Istanbul as one of the world’s leading shopping destinations hence its popularity among both locals and international visitors alike.

Exclusive Offers

During this period most stores will give exclusive discounts on selected items only available during these days together with additional promotions such as prize draws where winners could walk away with anything ranging from clothes, electronics gadgets up to travel vouchers; therefore presenting perfect timing not just for upgrading your wardrobe but also buying gifts back home!

Entertainment And Events in Istanbul

Fashion shows, live bands playing popular tunes from around the globe plus traditional dance performances representing different cultures held at various venues scattered throughout Istanbul during ISTF make shopping more lively entertaining experience for anyone participating. These activities add life colorfulness into what might have otherwise been perceived by some people boring aspect associated with going out shopping alone.


There are numerous events taking place in Istanbul throughout the year which celebrate its rich history, diverse communities & contemporary innovations too – be it music festivals, film festivals or even biennial art exhibitions among many others; all you need do is look out for one that suits your tastes best! Such occasions not only enable travelers feel vibrant spirit within this city but also provide an opportunity for them connect with their dynamic cultural scene.


Egtevent is the premier event management company in Istanbul, Turkey. They organize a variety of amazing events throughout the city. Check their upcoming dates and events in Istanbul :

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