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Family law lawyers and mediators have seen it all, from amicable separations to ugly splits. So, they understand why the majority of marriages fall apart and the major inciting issues that lead to divorce. It is safe to say that they have learned a lot from separating couples and have the best advice to give to couples tying the knot. 

Divorce experts can advise the newlyweds on common points of contention and red flags. It does not hurt to make necessary preparations in case things take a turn for the worse.

5 Marriage Tips From Divorce Lawyers 

It is important to seek sound advice from people who work with divorcing couples regularly and know what causes a marriage’s demise. It would be useful for the couple to know the big marriage killers to dodge the same fate.

Enter into Prenup 

It is a common notion that prenups are only for celebrities or affluent families. Signing a prenup gives the couple clarity in terms of finances and division of assets in case of divorce. Financial problems and debts have a negative impact on marriages. 

Spousal maintenance is the most contested issue in any divorce proceedings. Former spouses fight over money, however, it is easy to understand their financial position with a prenup. If not prenup, at the very least, both parties to the marriage should be open about the finances.

Understand Marriage requires Constant Efforts to Work 

You need to work on it every day, communicate clearly, and address issues as soon as they arise. Make sure you are on the same page when it comes to handling complex problems. Also, take a day off every week to discuss what happened at work, share funny stories, or go out to dinner. 

Moreover, share a hobby that you are both interested in to maintain a strong relationship. Know that it would not be full of excitement like it’s shown in the movies, and do not give up when the problem arises and decide to end the relationship.

Do not Underestimate Small Problems 

Seemingly small incidents escalate into arguments and complex problems. Often, couples choose to not confront the small issues until the disaster strikes. Address small problems before things go bad and make a genuine effort to save the relationship.


Communicate with your spouse to enhance your connection and understand what needs to be done. Do not just communicate, take necessary actions to maintain a healthy relationship.

Visit Marriage Counselors 

There is no shame in seeking out a marriage counselor to keep the relationship going. Often, couples are unable to navigate through the problems, therefore, need the help of a qualified third party to resolve issues. I went to a divorce attorney in Boise for the solution.

Going to the therapist does not mean that you are admitting that the marriage has fallen apart. Instead, it shows your effort to save the relationship and assist couples in developing communication and co-parenting skills. Therapists advise people to work on their relationships or end the marriage amicably if it is the right thing for the couple.

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