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It’s time everyone knew the cold, harsh reality: law school is no joke. It is competitive, demanding, and stressful. For three years, you will immerse yourself in law classes, heavy textbooks, and case studies, hoping and praying that it will all be worth it once you graduate and pass the bar. Needless to say, law schools aren’t for the fickle or faint of heart.

Nevertheless, every student requires a little direction to survive law school. If you aren’t prepared to overcome the challenges, put in your best effort, and open your mind, you might get frustrated by the whole experience. Thus, it is essential to know what it takes to survive. After all, the more knowledge you have, the more equipped you will be to complete the journey, ace your academics, and become a guru in your field.

So, whether you’re struggling with your law education or simply looking for some advice on how to keep up with the competition, here are some tips for succeeding at law school:

  • Take notes

When it comes to succeeding in law school, take notes while reading, in classes, and wherever else you can because returning and updating frequently is the most crucial factor. The type of lawyer you become will be built on the notes you take. 

Before beginning your assignments, study your notes, pay attention to the information, and consider how the new cases will impact the ones you have already learned. You can only do this once you get into the habit of taking organized notes. If you want to monitor your performance in a course, you can use a CLE tracker and see how far you’ve come in your academics.

  • Attend all classes

Law school can be difficult to excel in, and studying the law is complex. Consequently, everyone is expected to exercise some amount of diligence and efficiency. So, to manage the enormous burden, it is crucial to have a dependable schedule for classroom planning and a trustworthy outlining technique. 

You will struggle significantly on tests if you don’t attend courses frequently. Always remember that exam and class skills are two different things.

  • Networking 

Although trying to network while in law school may seem daunting, it will help you meet new people in the legal industry and even land an excellent job. Additionally, networking in law school can improve your relationships with other students, allowing you to organize study groups and get support.

  • Participating in class 

When students actively and eagerly participate in the learning process, they frequently develop confidence. Observing a situation or thing from several angles can also be accomplished by participating in class discussions and activities. It’s not easy to succeed in law school, yet participation helps you remember a topic for longer. And finally, it enables you to make a good impression on your lecturers.

  • Make an effort to join elite extracurriculars

There are additional strategies to strengthen your resume and make you stand out to prospective employers, even though your GPA and rank are important. Employers adore seeing extracurricular activities like the moot court, law review, and such on a résumé. It demonstrates how you can use your legal knowledge to improve practical abilities like writing and litigation. Even if you have no ambition to practice as a trial lawyer, adding one of these items to your resume is worthwhile. It will be challenging to locate a job that says otherwise.

  • Do not procrastinate

Law schools can be time-consuming, rugged, and expensive. Typically, the workload is intense, demanding, and stressful; it is easy to become overwhelmed. Therefore, if you’re wondering how to succeed in law school, don’t delay. Do not wait for deadlines or pushbacks. 

Likewise, do not wait until a situation becomes urgent to address it. The more time you take, the harder it will be to finish.

  • Obtain a balance 

If you approach your time in law school like a marathon, you’ll soon discover yourself out of the running. It might be perplexing to balance the high expectations of law school with the remainder of your life. Still, it’s essential to maintain your wellness and engagement and prevent burnout. Self-care is a practice formed by prosperous students. Thus, create your schedule to spend time with your friends and family, do what you love, and keep up your healthy routine. If you neglect the rest of your life while attending law school, it’ll feel more like a punishment than a thrilling trip toward the future.


Regardless of how challenging law school is, one thing is sure: it will push you beyond your limits and turn you into a wiser and stronger individual. As a law student, you’ll need all the help you can get, so using the above-said information to your advantage will prevent you from hanging by a thread. Also, with these tips, you’ll learn how to secure the best grades (crucial to acquiring employment opportunities after graduation). Lastly, don’t let the stress make you forget how happy you were when you received your acceptance letter. Getting through law school will be your most rewarding challenge.

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