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Did you know that WordPress is used by more than 455,000,000 websites? This is a staggering 35% market share for the web hosting company. Each month, WordPress websites are accessed by at least 400 million people. You can see why WordPress sites are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats. 

Although WordPress may not be a top SaaS company, it is still one of the most widely used content management systems (CMS) in the world. What good is a CMS if it’s vulnerable to cyberattacks? 

In 2018, WordPress was responsible for 90% all hacked CMS websites. But, only 2% of data breaches were caused by a weakness in WordPress’s core security. It was the users who made their sites vulnerable to various threats, often through vulnerable plug-ins. 

It’s likely that you don’t want your WordPress website to be attacked by hackers. Security is an important aspect of any website project due to the increasing threats that are available online today. 

Here are seven best practices and strategies to protect your WordPress website. Continue reading to learn more about protecting your website and data. 

Here are 7 tips to keep your WordPress website secure: 

These hacks are intended to increase the security of your WordPress website. 

1. Secure WordPress Hosting 

One of the most important risk management decisions for your project is choosing a secure WordPress host. Your WordPress host is a key component of the security of your website. You cannot afford to choose any hosting provider. It is important to select one that offers multiple layers of server-level security professionel hjemmeside

It is important not to rush when choosing a WordPress host. Instead, take your time and explore all options. You should avoid hosting companies that seem cheap. If they offer their services at a lower price, it is usually indicative of hidden problems. A personal VPS hosting your WordPress website is not a good idea, especially if it’s not something you are familiar with. It is better to choose a host who can address security issues or a hosting provider you can trust. 

You can rest assured that your website is protected when you subscribe to the services a top-quality hosting company. These hosting companies offer remote support at various levels. 

A WordPress host that conducts malware scannings every day and provides 24-hour support is the best. To ensure that their clients are taken care of, most 24-hour support providers employ an automatic call distributor. Make sure you check to make sure your potential WordPress host offers round-the-clock assistance. 

2. Always Update Your PHP Version 

Your WordPress website is complete without the Hypertext Preprocessor. Always use the most recent version of your site server. 

Each PHP release is typically fully supported for two years before getting an upgrade. There may be occasional fixes or patches to security issues that the developer discovers over those two years. 

PHP 7.4 is the current version. PHP.net supports versions 7.2, and 7.3. WordPress users who still use PHP 7.1 or less are at greater risk of cyberattacks 

WordPress stats show that 32% of WordPress users use outdated PHP. It is scary to consider the security breaches that their websites are exposed to each day. While it can take business owners and website owners time to verify their code is compatible with the latest PHP versions, that doesn’t mean you should not have security support. 

A responsive website requires more than a design template. An outdated PHP version can negatively impact the performance and efficiency of your website, in addition to security. It is always a good idea to use the most recent PHP version for your WordPress site. Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS), which makes it easy to seek the assistance you need from service providers, is a great option. 

3. Secure Passwords 

This tip may sound condescending, and it might even sound like a broken record. However, you will be surprised at how many people forget to use secure passwords. 

According to SplashData, the most used password in 2018 was “123456.” If you don’t believe that, then the next was ‘password. 

You don’t necessarily need to be a web developer in order to know that such passwords make WordPress sites easy targets for hackers. This is why mobile devices management (MDM), is so important for most projects. This means that you will have a dedicated device, and a team to secure it. You can contact a digital customer support team if you need assistance in choosing a secure password for your website. Digital customer service, if you aren’t familiar with it, is a system that answers your questions via digital platforms like chat messaging, social media and texts. It’s not like a VoIP telephone system. 

Anyone trying to protect their digital systems should use a unique and difficult-to-guess password. Secure passwords are the best way to protect your WordPress website from possible hacks. However, many people complain about how difficult it is to remember their passwords. There are two options: you can either keep your WordPress password encrypted on your computer or use online password managers. This ensures that your passwords are protected in cloud storage. 

4. You can use two-factor authentication on your WordPress website 

Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security on the web that requires users to use two methods of authentication to verify their identity. This usually includes a code sent by email or phone to verify identity. 

Two-factor authentication is a great way to strengthen your WordPress website’s security. It can also be used for a secure file share. You can choose between two authentication modules. 

Many people prefer to use Google’s Authenticator app. This sends a unique code via text message to their phones. The app makes sure that you’re the only one who can receive these texts. 

5. Only install Secure Plugins 

Installing plugins to enhance your web activity and make you stand out is one of the most popular design trends for WordPress websites. This freedom can lead to security breaches. 

Wordfence reports that vulnerable plugins were responsible for almost 60% of data breaches in WordPress users’ accounts in 2016. Your website may be at risk if you use a plugin without security verification. It is best to only install trusted and secure plugins on your site. 

This can be done by looking at the popular or featured categories of the WordPress platform or downloading directly from the developer. To ensure that security policies are clear, always read the fine print. 

Some plugins offer access to automatic database backup and malware scanners. This is a great sign to look out for. You should ensure that you are always up-to-date, even after installing security plugins. You can expose your plugins to hackers by not downloading the latest security fixes and version updates. 

6. Limit the number of login attempts 

You can log in to your WordPress account no more than once per day by default. You can still log in to your WordPress account even if you forget it. This may sound like a positive, but if you are prone to forget passwords, it can put your WordPress website at risk. 

Hackers are also aware of this loophole and exploit it. They often compile a list with popular usernames and passwords, along with stolen or purchased user data. They then visit WordPress websites and use bots that attempt hundreds of password combinations in less time than a minute. It works sometimes, but it can fail at times. This type of hacking is called a brute force attack. 

You can deter, or even eliminate, cyberattacks by setting a limit for the number of login attempts to your website. If you limit your maximum attempt to three login attempts, then the site will lock that user (or bot) for a specified time. 

7. Securely Encrypt Your Website Data with SSL 

A secure socket layer (SSL) is one of the best ways you can secure your WordPress website. An SSL certificate is required to ensure that data transfers between your server’s visitors and your website are encrypted. This certificate also changes your website’s HTTP status. An SSL certificate is essential if you want to improve your e-commerce strategies. 

It is possible for hackers to use a man-in-the-middle attack on HTTP sites to see data sent to them by visitors. This can lead to data breaches and other cyberattacks. An HTTPS website encrypts all data traffic so that no one can see it. 

It is easy to obtain an SSL certificate. It is easy to purchase an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority, and then install it on your WordPress site. Next, configure your website to display the HTTPS prefix. Certificate Authorities are cloud-based software that can help you purchase and install SSL certificates. You should immediately get an SSL certificate for your website. 

Stay ahead of Cyberbullies 

Cyberattacks on WordPress websites have increased. However, with the right technological resources and tips, it is possible to prevent your website from being compromised. You’ve been given great tips on how to protect your WordPress website’s cybersecurity. Now you just need to put them into practice.

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