INSCMagazine: Get Social!

In today’s fiercely competitive and constantly evolving job market, staying abreast of the latest trends and technologies while improving your skills and knowledge is essential for professional growth and career advancement.

According to a survey by the SHRM, 52% of employees believe they must continually update and refresh their skills for career progression and remain effective in their current roles. It highlights the importance of investing in your career development while working full-time.

However, finding the time and resources to pursue career development can be challenging for full-time employed individuals. Fortunately, there are several ways to boost your career without sacrificing your job or personal life.

So, whether you want to climb the corporate ladder or switch careers, these tips will elevate your career to the next level. 

  • Life-long Learning

Continuous learning is the foundation of a successful career. In today’s ever-changing job market, staying relevant and updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial to advancing your career. 

For full-time employed individuals, pursuing continuing education programs can be challenging. However, exploring opportunities to refresh or add new skills to your repertoire is essential. Many organizations recognize the importance of investing in their employee’s professional development and offer support for continuing education.

Full-time employees who cannot attend a brick-and-mortar university can now opt to enroll in an online program offered by many  reputed universities like the Murray State Univeristy. You can opt to enroll in a Murray State University online degree program in your area of interest for professional growth and career development. These programs offer flexible schedules, allowing you to balance your studies with your personal and professional obligations. 

  • Set SMART Goals

Setting SMART goals is a fundamental step in career development. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals are essential for success because they help full-time employees clarify their objectives, monitor their progress, and achieve their desired outcomes.

Specific goals, establish what you want to accomplish and why it matters, while measurable goals enable you to monitor your progress and identify when they have been completed. Achievable goals are realistic and challenging enough to motivate you, but not so complex that they become impossible. Relevant goals align with your career aspirations and help you achieve your long-term goals. Time-bound goals have a clear timeline, which creates a sense of urgency and accountability. 

  • Network Brilliantly

Networking helps you stay current on industry trends, gain new insights, make meaningful connections, and open doors to new opportunities. It increases your visibility and access to information and resources that may be unavailable.

Some practical ways to expand your professional network include:

  • Participating in industry events, such as seminars or conferences, to meet new people and learn about your field’s latest trends and developments. 
  • Joining professional organizations or industry groups to connect with like-minded professionals and gain access to networking opportunities.
  • Connecting with colleagues on social media, such as LinkedIn, to keep in touch with industry contacts.
  • Attending online forums or discussion boards and seeking informational interviews with professionals in your field.  

  • Hone Your Soft Skills 

Soft skills are increasingly becoming critical to job success in the modern workplace. While technical expertise is vital for getting a job, soft skills are essential for maintaining and excelling in one’s career.

Soft skills refer to interpersonal and personal attributes, such as communication, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, and adaptability. These skills are crucial for building relationships, navigating difficult situations, and achieving business objectives.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each area to hone your soft skills. Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or supervisors to identify areas of improvement. You can also seek online resources and training programs to enhance your soft skills. 

  • Volunteer 

Volunteering has many benefits for career development. Not only does it help you stand out in the job market, but it also provides you with a sense of personal fulfillment through community involvement. Additionally, volunteering allows you to refine your skill set and meet new people that can be valuable in your career.

One effective way to get involved in volunteer work is to look for opportunities that align with your interests or career goals. For example, if you are interested in marketing, you could offer to help a local non-profit organization with its marketing efforts. This opportunity will not only enable you to apply your marketing skills, but also provide a chance to network with professionals in your industry.

  • Get a Mentor

Mentorship is an asset for individuals looking to advance their careers. A mentor can guide, advise, and support you as you navigate your professional journey. They help you identify areas for improvement, set goals, and provide feedback to help you succeed.

Mentorship can also lead to higher job satisfaction, increased confidence, and a more robust professional network.

Although finding a suitable mentor can be difficult, there are strategies to simplify the process. Start by identifying individuals you admire, share your values and interests, and have experience in areas where you want to grow. Once identified, work to develop a positive relationship with them. Be respectful of their time and expertise and take their feedback seriously. 

  • Build Emotional Intelligence (EI)

EI refers to an individual’s capacity to identify, comprehend, and regulate their emotions and those of others. It is a critical skill for career development, as it can enhance communication, collaboration, and leadership.

Employees with high emotional intelligence are likely to be effective in their jobs, navigate workplace conflicts, and build positive relationships with colleagues and superiors. 

Developing emotional intelligence is lifelong, and various strategies help build it. For instance:

  • Building self-awareness through journaling, mindfulness, and seeking feedback from others.
  • Developing empathy through active listening, asking open-ended questions, and practicing perspective-taking.
  • Developing conflict resolution skills with assertive communication, active listening, and compromise can help manage emotions and resolve conflicts in the workplace. 


A full-time job should not be a hindrance to advance your career. By adopting the strategies mentioned above, you can take control of your career development, enhance your job satisfaction, and achieve your career goals. Each approach uniquely enhances career progression from becoming a lifelong learner to building emotional intelligence.

Remember, career development is a continuous process that requires dedication, commitment, and perseverance. So, with the right mindset and approach, you can achieve success and fulfillment in your professional life. 


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