INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Whether you’re a driven business executive seeking a creative outlet or a dedicated fitness enthusiast in pursuit of a thrilling avenue to enhance your well-being, Dr. David Outevsky’s Bespoke Dance Education offers a gateway to a world of dance forms perfectly customized to cater to your unique aspirations.

Dr. David Outevsky, a renowned dance maestro with over three decades of experience in dance instruction, specializes in ballroom, Latin, and social dances, making him one of the finest experts in the field.

His impressive background exemplifies his passion for dance. Having competed at the top amateur and professional levels of DanceSport, he has graced prestigious events such as the Blackpool Dance Festival, International Ballroom Championships, and the Pan Am Games in Toronto.

As an associate teacher and esteemed adjudicator acknowledged by the ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing) and CDF (Canadian Dance Federation), Dr. Outevsky has imparted his knowledge to learners of all ages and skill levels.

Dr. Outevsky firmly believes that individuals from all walks of life, ranging from esteemed executives to avid fitness enthusiasts, possess the innate ability to indulge in the extravagant art of dance.

For the discerning beginner, Outevsky – Bespoke Dance Education Academy presents a selection of courses that will elevate one’s poise and grace on the dance floor, instilling a newfound sense of confidence.

Whether you’re a business professional or just looking for an enjoyable way to stay fit, Outevsky can find the ideal dance form for your body and needs. Here are a few of the ideal dance forms for non-dancers:


For Corporate Professionals:

Ballroom Dance: Structured and elegant; Perfect for Networking Events and Social Gatherings.

Ballroom dance includes a variety of partner dances, such as Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, and Salsa. This dance form is ideal for corporate professionals as it helps develop balance, poise, and grace. Dr. Outevsky is a highly skilled professional in this particular field and will assist you in acquiring knowledge of the different steps and techniques with great ease.


Latin Dance: Fluid and Sensual; A Great Way to Get Those Hips Moving.

Latin dances like Merengue, Bachata, Argentine Tango, and Kizumba are perfect for people looking for an easy yet captivating dance form. It can help professionals stay in shape, connect with their partners, and have a blast!


Social Dance:  Fun and Engaging; Ideal for Social Gatherings

Social dances like Hustle, Salsa, Jive, Cha-Cha, and Disco Club dances are sure to elevate your presence at any event. They help stay active while also giving professionals an opportunity to interact with new people.


For Fitness Buffs:

Modern Dance: Contemporary and Creative; A Great Way to Stay Fit

Modern dance is a unique blend of different styles, from ballet and jazz to hip-hop and tap. It helps people develop strong technique, flexibility, balance, coordination, and strength.

Dr. David Outevsky’s customized courses are tailored to accommodate the requirements of all students. Outevsky offers a range of experiences tailored for various skill levels, including beginners, intermediate proficients, and those seeking advanced challenges.

Let Dr. David Outevsky help you discover the ideal dance style that suits your individual needs. For more details, visit his website or connect with him on Instagram.


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