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Office managers always have it as a rule to maintain a clean and tidy office space to maintain a good impression when clients or guests are visiting and to increase productivity among employees. However, cleaning the office space is no easy feat especially if you want everything cleaned from the walls to the ceilings and to the desks.

Moreover, an office space can be a ground for high bacterial counts including surfaces such as elevator buttons, office phones, water fountains, computer keyboards, and vending machine buttons among others. This can lead to infections if not cleaned, which can spread throughout the office.

The benefits of regular office cleaning

A clean office does more than being aesthetically pleasing. We have highlighted the different benefits you can enjoy with regular office cleaning:

  • Less absenteeism due to sickness

An office space can be a ground for high bacterial counts which can directly contribute to illnesses or infections. Clean office spaces will make it harder for germs to spread among employees. Moreover, sick employees disrupt the overall productivity of the office which can also affect sales, customer service, and profits.

  • Keeps the good health of clients and guests

While your clients or guests will not spend a significant amount of time in your office, it is still crucial that you maintain a clean space. Their first impression can indirectly benefit your business as they will associate you with a clean space. Moreover, it would be a great horror to receive feedback from a client who got sick after entering your office.

A consistently clean office space improves the air quality of the space, which reduces sick days among employees and keeps the good health of clients and guests. Aside from regular cleaning, you can also get some plants or an air purifier to help filter the air quality in your office.

  • Creates a safe indoor environment

When you opt for professional cleaning services, your employees and clients will be exposed to fewer toxic chemicals and pathogens. They will use products that not only make sure that the space is clean but also ensure that it’s safe to be inhaled especially in a closed indoor environment.

  • Exudes a professional look

First impressions last for each client, and making sure your office space is clean can directly benefit in sealing any dealing. Just as much as you’d want to look clean and crisp in front of clients, the same goes for your office.

No client will want to continue working with a business that has a dirty office space. From clean meeting rooms and desks to a clean restroom, this makes sure that your office has a professional and upstanding look around your clients.

  • Increases customer satisfaction

If your office is also serving customers at the same time, a clean and professional look can also increase their overall satisfaction. When customers see your office clean, they can easily associate it with your business which contributes to a positive experience for them. This can lead to recommendations among their family and peers and would lead to additional profit for your business.

  • Boosts morale among employees

A clean office space directly contributes to the increase of employee morale. No one wants to step in and work in an untidy and dirty office space, so a clean environment can make them feel like going to work. It can also help employees develop a sense of pride, increase their self-esteem, and increase their desire to succeed.

  • Improves productivity

A clean office space increases the productivity of an employee which in turn directly contributes to an increase in profits. This is because employees can breathe easier and work better in a clean setup, which contributes to their productivity and morale.

  • Fewer costs

Regularly having a professional clean your office space can be cost-effective in the long run. If you deep clean once a year, it can be expensive compared to regular cleaning. Excessive dirt can ruin furniture, and mould costs a lot to remove. Regular cleaning can ensure no buildup will occur, which costs you less than having a once-a-year deep cleaning.

  • Less stress

If you book professional cleaning services, it ensures that employees can focus more on their work and less stress about keeping their workspace clean and tidy. Adding cleaning as a part of their things to do creates anxiety and reduces productivity among employees, so hiring a professional to clean will make them focus more on contributing to your business.

The areas in your office you need to pay attention to when cleaning:

  • Reception Area

The reception area is the first thing your staff, clients, and guests will see once they enter so you must make sure they feel welcome and comfortable. Every window should be clean and every business sign shiny. The floor must be clear of any clutter, while every surface polished clean.

The entryway gives the first impression to your business which can be vital if you want to convert new customers or convince clients.

  • Key Touchpoints

The touchpoints and surfaces will be the places where your staff and clients will touch often such as handrails, door handles, headsets, and phones among others. These surfaces can be ground for high bacterial count and can contribute to possible illnesses.

  • Refreshments

If your office has a pantry or water dispenser, make sure that every appliance and room is clean as this is where people drink and eat. Meanwhile, if you’re serving refreshments, make sure that all glassware is clean.

  • Restrooms

A clean restroom can also give a lasting impression to your clients and guests. It mustn’t only be clean and sanitised but also smell good. Make sure all the paper towels, tissue, and soap are stocked. Moreover, any presence of mould should be removed as this could negatively impact the health of your employees or clients.

Health and safety hazards in an unkempt office space

The health and safety of your employees also directly affects their productivity. A clean space prevents them from getting sick, thus giving a significant boost to their creativity and enabling them to work without the need to stress about cleaning.

There are countries like Singapore that also have workplace safety laws that ensure employees are given a safe workplace by their employers. Any violation thereof can be a ground for penalties, so it’s important to make sure that not only your office space is clean but also safe for your employees.

Moreover, it’s important to make sure that not only the common areas are clean but also other rooms that are accessible to a few. For example, stock rooms should be clean and organized as improperly stored papers can be a fire hazard.


Since your employees spend a significant amount of their time in the office, a comfortable and clean office space directly contributes to their productivity and morale. They feel more motivated to go to work in a clean environment, while your clients will have lasting good impressions on your business. Just like a house moving service which helps you focus on more important things, a professional cleaning service ensures that your staff keeps their time, energy, and focus on the important matters without the need to stress on cleaning.

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