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You’ve been to your Seattle dentist and are considering Invisalign in Seattle. That’s great! You probably have some questions, and one of the most common is whether you’re allowed to wear your Invisalign aligners when you’re playing sports. Let’s get into it.

From Your Seattle Dentist: Sports and Invisalign Treatment

Non-Contact Sports

Participation in non-contact sports generally poses no significant risk. Sports like running, swimming, or cycling don’t involve physical contact that could damage the aligners or harm the mouth. In such activities, wearing Invisalign aligners is not only safe but also advantageous, as they are less likely to cause irritation compared to traditional braces.

Close-up of a white line on green grass in a soccer field

Contact and High-Impact Sports

Contact sports, such as football, basketball, or hockey, carry a higher risk of impact to the face, which can potentially damage the aligners or cause oral injuries. Similarly, high-impact sports like gymnastics or martial arts might pose a risk to both the aligners and the teeth. In these cases, removing the aligners and wearing a mouth guard are the way to go.

Best Practices for Athletes Wearing Invisalign

Wearing a Mouth Guard

For sports involving physical contact or the risk of impact, wearing a mouth guard is essential. Athletes should remove Invisalign aligners during the game or practice and wear a properly fitted sports mouth guard. This practice offers dual benefits: protecting the teeth and aligners from potential damage and also ensuring optimal safety during sports activities.

Hygiene and Maintenance

Engaging in sports can lead to increased sweating and dehydration, which can affect oral hygiene. Athletes wearing Invisalign should maintain careful oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing. Aligners should be cleaned properly to prevent the build-up of bacteria and odor, and it’s also important to stay hydrated to maintain overall health and oral hygiene.

Time Management

Since Invisalign aligners need to be worn for a specific number of hours each day, athletes should plan their schedule accordingly. Removing aligners for sports activities means they must compensate for the lost time by wearing them consistently during other parts of the day.

Precautions and Tips on Invisalign in Seattle

Consultation with an Orthodontist

Before engaging in any sports activity, always consult with an orthodontist like those at They can provide personalized advice based on your treatment plan and the nature of the sport involved.

Emergency Plan

Athletes should have a plan in case of an emergency, such as damage to the aligners or a dental injury. Always keep a spare set of aligners around and know the immediate steps to take in case of an oral injury.

a group of men playing a game of basketball

Balancing Sports and Invisalign Treatment

Playing sports while undergoing treatment with Invisalign aligners is certainly possible, but remember that you should be considering every aspect of your health before you engage in any sport and talking with a dental professional if you’re having orthodontic treatment and want to start a new sport.

By taking appropriate precautions, maintaining good oral hygiene, and consulting with an orthodontist, you can successfully balance your sports commitments with your orthodontic treatment and get the best of both worlds: good dental health and stellar athletic performance.

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