When you make an appointment with your doctor, you probably speak to the receptionist or patient coordinator. In fact, the doctor may be the very last person you meet with.
Along the way, you are going to work with nurses, schedulers, billing coordinators, and health administrators, all of whom want you to have the best patient services possible. In addition to maintaining healthcare regulation rules, doctors and hospitals want you to come back again, and that won’t happen unless you are satisfied with every part of your treatment.
Many patients don’t know that the medical facility staff they speak to have an online MHA degree and know what it is like to be on both sides of the fence. To help better connect with patients, these experts in the healthcare field should seek to work out differences in an amicable way. The following are just some of the many ways that healthcare administrators are hoping to better connect with patients and their families.
Improved Waiting Facilities
When you have to go to the hospital or wait for a doctor, the first thing that you do is take a form and sit in the waiting room. If the facility is outdated, you may notice a non-working television, uncomfortable chairs, and signs of inadequate housekeeping. Even if you are waiting to see an exceptional doctor, you might just decide to take your chances with another physician.
Health administrators know that providing wonderful waiting areas for patients and their families is vital to keeping them happy. Hiring an artist to paint a colorful mural, installing tablets for patient check-ins, and providing Wi-Fi internet access are just some of the reasons why patients don’t mind waiting longer to see a medical professional.
Healthcare Facilities and Social Media
The next time you go on your Facebook page, you just may see your doctor’s office with its own business profile. Online masters in health administration graduates spend enough time on their computers to know that the web is the wave of the future. All it takes is a few minutes and a couple of pictures to complete a social networking page for a doctor’s office, hospital or another healthcare clinic.
Listening To Suggestions and Feedback
Why is it that so many different people are involved in the healthcare system?
For one, numerous patients coming in and out of healthcare facilities with different needs have to be accommodated. Undoubtedly, there will be someone who has an issue and wants their concerns to be heard. As long as health administrator keep open lines of communications with patients, these complaints can be resolved and patient satisfaction rates will remain high.
Seeing a doctor when you need care is important, but you also need to be happy with all of the other professionals that you see whenever an appointment is made. Health administrators should use a professional approach, both when accepting praise and responding to patients who feel that the care they recently received was inadequate for any reason.