INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Without a doubt, the world has evolved technologically over the past few decades and as time progresses, this advancement becomes increasingly exponential. The use of the Internet as we know it today has brought great benefits in countless positive aspects, however, behind the scenes there are also negative aspects such as information theft, identity theft, or network infiltration by unauthorized persons.

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Therefore, we think that one of the main challenges in the coming years will be how to control and neutralize all those aspects that threaten both people and companies, using the same technology to do so.

We will now focus on trying and warning all our readers about some basic measures to begin to efficiently protect ourselves from this threat that is hiding behind the scenes at this turbulent time. It can be seen that one of the most used search intentions is how to ВЗЛОМАТЬ FACEBOOK, in that style, social networks are the main favorite target of hackers.


First barrier of protection against cyberattacks: Passwords


As a starting point for the digital and network protection of our accounts and critical information that we have, is the creation of protected passwords with simple recommendations.

As we know, to enter these private accounts we do it, generally with a username and a password, this is similar if it is a social network, email, or financial account, they are all based on the same way of entering. Therefore, it is vitally important to dedicate time and detail to creating strong and secure passwords.


Some recommendations to keep in mind when creating these passwords are:

  • Use passwords of more than 8 characters, containing both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and some special characters such as @, $, and #, among others, of the latter a single character of this type would be fine.


  • Avoid passwords that have to do with your private data; such as identification number, date of birth, and name of a child or pet.


  • Make it easy for you to remember in case you lose where you wrote it down.


  • Do not share passwords with anyone.


  • Change passwords periodically.


Example of what a password should look like with all security requirements


  • Selection of uppercase and lowercase letters: You can select the initials of a park that you like, such as “Laguna Park” you use the first three letters of each of the two words, leaving; LagPar.


  • Look for a combination of numbers: For example, the graduation year is 2005 and you add a numeral to join alphabetic codes with numbers; ParLag#2005 remains. As you can see, there is a well-protected password, which will not be possible to break with brute force tools.


Regular backups to prevent loss of important data


One of the most critical aspects when it comes to achieving good Internet security is making regular copies of your information both on your computer or main device where you store your data and in email accounts on social networks.

This will protect you very efficiently against a cyber-attack or any other information that may try to get into your systems.

This strategy will also help you cover yourself in cases of damage or breakdown of the device, where these files that are so important to you are stored.


Other additional measures


To carry out this type of procedure, you can follow these steps:


  • Filter and choose the information that you consider most important to you, be it work files, souvenir photos, videos, accounts, and credentials from your social networks, among all those that you consider relevant, according to your classification.


  • Choose the storage where you will make the backup copy, it can be an external disk, high storage capacity pen drive, or the cloud, this last option is one of the most used in recent years, due to the level of security it provides. It has this type of storage it provides. storage.


  • Don’t forget to be careful where you physically leave your passwords and other private items, it is common that an acquaintance or even family member could be the one who infiltrates or violates your security, by not distrusting that person.


Updated antivirus security software


An antivirus is an essential component that should not be missing on the devices that we use the most with our saved data. Select a good antivirus and keep it operational with updates so that it does its job.




Avoid using shared public networks such as Wi-Fi or similar


Avoid public networks, especially if they do not have password-protected access. In a public network, a password is a method widely used by hackers to steal information.

Another vulnerability that we leave ourselves with is that of neglecting ourselves and leaving sessions open on computers that are not ours. This happens a lot in public Internet browsing rooms, where many people fail to correctly close all their accounts logged in on the device.

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