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Deep Clean: Best Way to Clean Your Home

“Learn the best way to deep clean your house without getting overwhelmed or making it an impossible mission.” 

Deep cleaning your house does not have to be stressful. You will discover that deep cleaning helps ensure the tidiest home, just as a cleaner in Dagenham would have done it. 

To prevent becoming stressed when you are deep cleaning a house, it will be advisable to divide the cleaning process into smaller sections of tasks or manageable tasks.

Let’s read this article to check out the best guide to achieving a deep, clean house. 

How To Deep Clean Your House or Your Property

Below are the deep cleaning tips to streamline cleaning your property. And you can start with each of the rooms. The tips to start with are as follows. 

  1. Declutter Before Deep Cleaning

It is essential to locate areas with visible clutter that are not supposed to be in a particular room. You can clear the stuff and save it behind a closed door for some other time. Doing this will be of good help to simplify your deep cleaning checklist. 

Clearing away clutter from any area of the home makes deep cleaning an easy task. And the appearance of tidiness will quickly motivate you to continue with the cleaning.

2. Start High, Go Low

When deep cleaning your property or house, you need to start with high surfaces that are always hard to reach, like your ceiling, baseboards, walls, ceiling trim, and ceiling light fixtures (including bulbs). However, the best cleaning tools are telescoping handles, dusters, and microfiber mops.

3. Deep Clean Windows

 To effectively clean your home’s windows deeply, you will discover that cleaning windows is a relatively simple task with a huge payoff. 

What you do first is vacuum the tracks and sills, then you can spritz the window with the use of a glass cleaner from the top part to the bottom. After a minute of application, you can wipe it off. 

However, suppose you wipe in one direction inside the windows and another direction on the external part of the window. In that case, it will make it easier for you to see if there are any streaks and fix them immediately. 

4. Spruce Up Window Treatments

When you need to spruce up window treatments, instead of taking down blinds or shades of the window, just vacuum them with the use of the brush attachment.

And for window curtains, instead of laundering and ironing the curtains, all you need to do is fluff the curtains in the dryer for a few minutes. Then, you can wipe off the rod and rings and hang them back immediately.

5. Remove Dust from Surfaces

For dust to be effectively removed from surfaces like shelves, built-ins, and wood furniture. Using polish and furniture cleaner, including a soft cloth, is essential. 

To achieve a fast and deep clean, you can put a clean cotton tube sock on your hand to dust surfaces and ensure to move objects away with the other hand as you take a lint roller to the lampshades.

6. Deep Clean the Floors

To properly deep clean the floors. It will be necessary for you to move away the furniture, including sofas and beds. For the furniture to be more effortless for you to move, you can place smaller furniture slides below the legs of the bigger ones. 

Then, use your vacuum crevice tool to remove the dirt in corners and along baseboards. If your floor seems hard or complicated, clean it with a microfiber mop and an appropriate surface cleaner mop. 


In conclusion, the best method to ensure deep cleaning of your home requires the use of various cleaning tools. Using these tools helps to carry out the cleaning task effectively without getting overwhelmed or stressed. 


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