Physique is at the forefront of performing well in sports. Whether short or tall, all body types play an important role depending on the type of game. For athletes, being taller often means having a longer reach and more leverage. This can be an advantage in certain sports, such as basketball, but it can also make some exercises much more challenging.
This is undoubtedly the case with calisthenic exercises. The ideal athletes for this form of exercise are shorter, in the 5’4″ to 5’8″ range, because the relative strength needed is much lower. But someone as tall as Malcolm, who is 6’6″, faced challenges in calisthenics and had to work twice as hard to achieve the same results.
Embodying the words of Napoleon Hill, “Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting,” Malcolm, against all odds, became a well-known calisthenics sports expert.
When Malcolm first began his calisthenics training, he was very skinny. He gained weight steadily and underwent a dramatic change, going from far under 170 pounds to 210 pounds in just two years. Nevertheless, he defied the odds by working extremely hard and mastering some of the most strenuous exercises, such as the front lever, handstand pushup, and bent arm planche.
Malcolm started posting about his journey on Instagram and other social media platforms to create awareness about calisthenics. His workout routine gives his followers a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into becoming a top calisthenics athlete. With his jaw-dropping skills, he started to gain the attention of many people and eventually earned a following of half a million people across all platforms. The praise he received from this support motivated him to inspire others to learn calisthenics, educate them on the basics, and support them along their journey.
Soon after, he established his business, Malk Calisthenics, for those who wished to practice calisthenics but were not sure where to begin. He currently offers a beginning and intermediate level program in which he teaches the fundamentals, demonstrates how to advance, and eventually prepares them to perform various calisthenics exercises, such as the front lever, planches, handstand, muscle up, and handstand pushup. He also provides one-on-one coaching for novices who genuinely need assistance and want to change their lives by designing individualized fitness and diet regimens for them to achieve their objectives.
Today, Malcolm motivates others with his impressive calisthenics moves, but he also does it with his coaching skills. He never lets his physical disadvantages get in the way of his training or dreams, and this resilience has drawn many people to him. You can also visit his website to learn more about his coaching services and follow him on Instagram and YouTube to keep yourself updated.
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