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Dottie Klein’s Remarkable Journey: A Testament to Successful Remarriage and Blended Families
In the realm of remarriage and blended families, few stories are as captivating and impactful as that of Dottie Klein. Her invaluable advice and wisdom have garnered attention, and rightfully so. With her new book, “Biblical Keys for a Successful Remarriage and Blended Families,” Dottie and her husband, Dan, share a wealth of knowledge derived from their unique life journey.

Back in 1979, Dottie and Dan embarked on a journey of marriage, forming a blended family that brought together Dottie’s son, Chris, her daughter, Melissa, and Dan’s son, Kenny. At that time, resources on thriving in blended families were scarce, yet they fearlessly navigated the trials and triumphs that accompanied their distinctive family dynamics.

Now, many decades later, Dottie and Dan have become great-grandparents, witnessing their three children experience broken marriages of their own. This realization highlighted the cycle of marital problems prevalent in society, compelling them to seek ways to strengthen marriages and preserve the integrity of the family unit.
Drawing from her personal experiences and the profound Biblical teachings dear to her heart, Dottie began offering pre-marriage classes in collaboration with her husband. These classes, featuring material from Bruce Wilkinson’s “Biblical Portrait of Marriage,” yielded numerous success stories, which, combined with Dottie and Dan’s own journey, form the foundation of their book.

In their early eighties, Dottie and Dan have woven a tapestry of rich experiences, ranging from leading pre-marriage classes to engaging in daring endeavors like smuggling Bibles into China and Cuba. However, their current focus lies in marriage, family, and fundamental principles. Their advice for those considering remarriage or attempting to blend families is both practical and deeply rooted in spirituality, exemplifying the profound wisdom they possess.

Throughout her life, Dottie has embraced diverse roles, such as becoming a Christian speaker for Campus Crusade for Christ and working as a gift marketing representative in Orange County, California. She also established a successful window treatment design business in Florida and founded a thriving Gourmet Club in The Villages, which now boasts over 500 members. Due to their active involvement in pre-marriage and blended family classes, Dottie and Dan have even been ordained.

“Dottie Klein: Blending Families with Biblical Wisdom” is more than just a guidebook for couples and churches; it is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and love in creating successful remarriages and blended families. The ongoing battle against the forces that threaten our families is real, and Dottie’s book serves as a valuable tool in this fight. With its captivating narrative and practical advice, “Biblical Keys for a Successful Remarriage and Blended Families” is a must-read for all families navigating the intricate path of remarriage and blending families.
Dottie and Dan Klein are exceptional examples of perseverance, faith, and unwavering dedication to strengthening the family unit. In a world where broken marriages seem to perpetuate like an unbreakable cycle, this remarkable couple has stepped forward, not only to prevent further damage but also to provide a guiding light for successful remarriages and blended families.

Having witnessed the heartbreaking effects of broken homes on their own children and grandchildren, Dottie and Dan committed themselves to finding a solution. This led them to embark on a journey of pre-marriage classes, equipping couples with the wisdom and Biblical principles necessary to nurture healthy relationships and families.
The Champion Center. Over the course of three decades, their endeavor has flourished, catering to the unique dynamics of blended families—a dimension they intimately understand through personal experience and a multitude of testimonials from friends.

Their book, “Biblical Keys for a Successful Remarriage and Blended Families,” encapsulates the abundant harvest of these experiences. It stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to the sanctity of marriage and the well-being of the family.

Dottie and Dan proudly embrace the role of great-grandparents to 18 “greats.” Aware of the ongoing needs of future generations, they acknowledge that the battle to safeguard families from destructive forces is far from over. Dottie and Dan continue to rely on the Lord for strength and guidance in this endeavor.

Dottie has been deeply involved in various ministries, sharing her faith and serving as a beacon of peace to many. Her path has led her from being a speaker for “Coffee Pot Evangelism” to marketing Christian jewelry for Bob Seimon across California, Arizona, and Nevada.

As a successful owner of a window treatment design business in Florida, she transformed her retirement years into a vibrant writing career. Dottie and Dan have also played significant roles in their community. Dottie established a thriving Gourmet Club in The Villages, while both she and Dan were ordained due to their involvement with pre-marriage and blended family classes.

For more information on Dottie Klein and her work, you can visit her website at Her book, “Biblical Keys for a Successful Remarriage and Blended Families,” is available for purchase on Amazon (, Barnes and Noble (, Books A Million (, and Target (

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