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Carrying a hidden gun holster is like having a secret buddy that keeps you safe. It’s important, especially when we want to feel secure and protect ourselves. In this guide, we’re going to talk about how to wear this secret buddy in a way that’s comfy and safe. First and foremost, imagine wearing something that not only fits perfectly but also makes you feel confident and protected. That’s what we aim for when choosing and wearing a concealed carry holster. So, let’s dive in and learn how to pick, position, and care for our holster to make sure it’s as comfortable as a cozy hat and as safe as a helmet. Whether you’re walking in the park or going about your day, knowing how to wear your holster right is super important.

Understanding Your Concealed Carry Holster

A concealed carry holster, like those expertly crafted by Craft Holsters, is like a special pocket that holds your hidden gun safely. It’s made so you can carry your gun without anyone noticing, which is super important for staying safe without drawing attention. There are many kinds of these special pockets, each fitting different needs and styles. For example, some are worn inside your waistband, kind of like tucking your shirt into your pants. Others can be worn outside your pants, on your shoulder, or even around your ankle like a secret sock. Craft Holsters offers a variety of concealed carry holsters designed to be both practical and comfortable, ensuring that your firearm is always within reach but out of sight. 

Whether you prefer a holster that sits snugly inside your waistband for maximum concealment or one that wraps discreetly around your ankle, Craft Holsters has the perfect solution to meet your needs. Their holsters are crafted with care, using only the finest materials, to provide a blend of security, comfort, and style. This makes carrying your gun not only easy but also ensures that you do so in the most discreet and fashionable way possible. So, choosing a concealed carry holster from Craft Holsters means you’re selecting a companion that’s as dedicated to your safety as you are.


The Inside the Waistband (IWB) holster is popular because it’s easy to hide under a shirt. Outside the Waistband (OWB) holsters are a bit more visible but still great under a jacket. Shoulder holsters are like a secret harness under your coat, and ankle holsters hide your gun near your foot, perfect for sitting down or if you wear longer pants. Each type has its own way of making sure you’re comfortable and your gun is easy to reach, just in case. So, knowing about these types helps you choose the best one for you, kind of like picking the right tool for a job.

Choosing the Right Holster for You

Picking the right holster is a bit like choosing the perfect pair of shoes. You want something that fits well, feels good, and suits your lifestyle. Comfort is key because you’ll wear it a lot. You also have to think about the clothes you usually wear and what fits your body best. For instance, if you like tight clothes, an Inside the Waistband (IWB) holster might be your best friend. But if you’re more into jackets, maybe an Outside the Waistband (OWB) or shoulder holster would work better.

Materials matter too. Leather holsters are like a comfy leather jacket; they get better with time. Nylon ones are light and easy to care for, kind of like your favorite sports jersey. Kydex, a type of plastic, is tough and keeps its shape, protecting your gun like a hard hat protects your head.

Proper Positioning for Comfort and Accessibility

Putting your holster in the right spot is like finding the perfect place to sit in a classroom where you can see everything and feel comfortable. There are many spots to wear your holster, like near your belly button, on your hip, or even at your back. Each spot has its benefits, kind of like choosing the best seat at the movies.

If you’re wearing it near your belly (appendix carry), it’s super hidden and easy to reach. Wearing it on your hip or at the back is like having a secret pocket that’s still easy to get to. If you sit a lot or drive, the position of your holster can make a big difference in how comfy you are. So, it’s like adjusting your seat to have the best view and comfort.

Changing where you wear your holster based on what you’re doing that day is smart. Just like you might move closer to the board in class if you forgot your glasses, adjusting your holster’s position makes sure it’s always comfy and easy to reach.

Adjusting Your Holster for Maximum Comfort

Making small changes to your holster is like adjusting your backpack straps to fit just right. You can change the angle (cant) and how high or low it sits (ride height) to make sure it feels good and you can easily grab your gun if needed.

Adjusting the cant is like tilting your cap to the perfect angle – it makes reaching for your gun smoother. Changing the ride height is like moving your belt up or down to where it feels best. These adjustments help the holster fit your body perfectly, like a custom-made glove.

Wearing clothes that work well with your holster makes a big difference too. It’s like picking an outfit that’s not only cool but also comfy and doesn’t show off your secret pocket. This way, you can move freely without worrying about your holster being seen.

Safety Considerations When Wearing Your Holster

When you carry a hidden gun, being safe is like following the rules of a game. Making sure the holster covers the trigger guard is like wearing a helmet – it protects you from accidents. The holster should hold your gun snugly, like a seatbelt keeps you safe in a car.

Practicing how to draw and put back your gun safely is super important. It’s like rehearsing for a play; the more you practice, the better you perform. Always practice in a safe place, treating your gun as if it’s always loaded, following all safety rules.

Being safe also means being aware of your surroundings and knowing the laws about carrying a hidden gun. It’s like knowing the rules of the road when you’re biking or skateboarding.

Everyday Comfort and Maintenance

Wearing a holster every day should be as comfy as wearing your favorite sneakers. Choosing the right belt is like picking the right laces; it supports your holster and makes everything stay in place. Taking breaks to adjust your holster is like taking a moment to stretch during a long walk, keeping things comfortable.

Taking care of your holster is like looking after a pet. Cleaning and checking it regularly makes sure it lasts a long time and works well when you need it. Whether it’s leather, nylon, or Kydex, a little care goes a long way, like watering a plant to help it grow.

Final Words:

Choosing the right holster, putting it in the best spot, making small adjustments for comfort, and always thinking about safety are all super important. It’s about being prepared, comfortable, and safe, like wearing the right gear for a sport. Following these tips, you can carry your secret buddy with confidence, knowing it’s there for you without getting in the way. So, take your time to get it right, and always remember the importance of safety and comfort, like learning the rules of a new game.

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