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Only in rare cases will you see insurers reject life insurance claims. When they do, you need to understand that two things are involved. First, a denied life insurance claim could happen because the insured ended up violating the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Below are a few reasons life insurance won’t pay out in terms of policy violation:

  • Death by suicide
  • Excluded death cases
  • Non-disclosure of crucial information
  • Dishonesty
  • Fraud
  • Inability to pay insurance premiums promptly

 In other cases, the insurer may make mistakes while trying to review the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy. Insurance companies can’t always be right and this is one reason why appealing a denied life insurance claim is crucial.

Understanding how to appeal a denied life insurance claim

You have two options when it comes to appealing a denied life insurance claim: you can either decide to do it yourself or ask for “insurance claim rejected” help from a reputable professional services provider, such as Resolute Claims.

1.   All you need to appeal (DIY)

Call the insurer

Are you pretty sure the insurer made a mistake by rejecting your claim? If yes, then you need to start by contacting the insurance company. While speaking with the representative, you need to let them know about your intention to appeal the rejected claim. In addition, you can ask questions about the claim, including how the company’s appeal process works.

The insurer representative will tell you the different documents you’ll need during the appeal process. In most cases, you’re also expected to present proof of payments for the life insurance premiums, autopsy report, and the insured’s medical certificate.

Contest the decision of the insurer

You need to know that your insurer can’t reject your claim without good reasons. What exactly are these reasons? If you’re sure the reasons are not genuine, all you need is to contest the decision of the insurer. This process is pretty affordable but you need proper guidance if you are appealing on your own.

For proper guidance, you can always reach out to experts at Resolute Claims today for free guidance. They’ll provide you with the necessary resources and guidance, which you can take advantage of to appeal a rejected claim the right way.

2.   Hire a professional service provider – Resolute Claims

As earlier mentioned, hiring a reputable insurance claim services provider is another effective approach to appealing a rejected claim. With experienced professionals at Resolute Claims, your chances of appealing your rejected claim and winning are pretty high.

  • To begin, a case manager will carefully review the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. This will help them understand if truly there was any violation from the insured’s end. Other things that’ll be checked are the precedent cases and the insured’s medical history.
  •  After the review process, the case manager will prepare your paperwork and contact your financial service provider and the ombudsman.
  • While the whole appeal process goes on, all you need is to keep calm and not speak with any other person except your representative. As the process continues, you’ll be updated regularly until success is achieved.

Need help appealing your denied life insurance claim? If yes, you can visit the official website today to book an appointment or request help.

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