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EffyDesk, an ergonomic furniture company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, produces varied office chairs that ensure comfort while working for longer durations. The company has been supplying office furniture to more than 500 organizations for the last four years and aims to spread awareness about comfortable work desks throughout Canada. As per the company, “It is crucial to understand that one-size-fits-all furniture doesn’t fit everyone.” Thus their products are designed to cater to specific needs. It facilitates organizations with office desks that fit in the available space and promote productivity at the workplace.

The founder of EffyDesk started the company after he experienced flaring up of his bulging disc due to long periods of standing or sitting during work. This motivated him to create desks that would preserve an employee’s mental as well as physical health. This is how the company got recognized as the seventh best standing desk by Gadget Flow. Its chairs are manufactured to eliminate back issues and internal problems that come with sitting in a bad posture for a longer duration. The company manufactures superior support chairs and accessories for extra back comfort. Its chairs come with breathable, temperature-neutral mesh which molds itself to accommodate your body shape and allows full-coverage lumbar support. The employees working at EffyDesk even help their customers choose the perfect chair concerning the nature of work and the required level of comfort.

EffyDesk has created a sense of security for its clients and brought innovative solutions to offices. It is one of the leading sit-stand desk and ergonomic chair providers in Canada. In addition to taking care of the workforce, the company is working towards taking care of the environment. It has partnered with corporations such as ChopValue to create a zero-waste system and produce eco-friendly furniture across North America. The team is working toward the mission of bringing relief to desk workers around the globe.


EffyDesk is a furniture company that supplies ergonomic office desks and chairs. Its office is situated in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The company’s products include standing desks, office chairs, and desk accessories. Its collection also includes solid wood tops. The company supplies a range of home desks as well as sustainable desks. 

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