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Elon Musk shares footage of his Optimus robot’s prowess. Musk hopes that one day Optimus will be able to help people at home. Via the X/Twitter account, the billionaire owner of Tesla showed this almost 1.8 meter tall humanoid robot walking around the Tesla factory. “Walking with Optimus,” he tweeted.

Musk regularly posts updates about Optimus to showcase his latest abilities. This post received various responses from the internet community. Some were impressed, others thought it was scary because Optimus’ abilities were becoming more and more like humans.

“Cool! Optimus is getting more skilled,” said an internet person.

“It’s really nice to see Optimus’ development. Happy to see the increase in his abilities,” added another internet user.

“His movements are still slow, like an elderly person,” said one X/Twitter user.

“Unbelievable! But it’s really scary to imagine robots starting to kill humans,” commented another.

Others on the internet compared Optimus to the NS5 robot in the 2004 American science fiction action film ‘I, Robot’ starring male film artist Will Smith.

What is visible in the video is that there is no white metal covering the robot’s chest, so that its internal components are visible.

Optimus was first announced at Tesla’s AI Day event in August 2021, but more than two years later there has been no legal confirmation slot gacor hari ini of when it will be released to the public.

The first prototype of such a robot was launched a year later, although it could only walk across the stage while waving its arms.

Tesla unveiled a prototype of its updated ‘Gen 2’ humanoid robot in a video post in December 2023, although the first version never made it to market.

In this video, Gen 2 appears to pick up and control the egg without finishing it thanks to the precision of the sophisticated sense of touch in its fingers.

Optimus Robot Like a Human

Earlier this year, another video featured Optimus demonstrating his balance as he worked out some basic yoga poses and stood on one leg.

In Optimus’ body, the Autopilot computer is embedded in the Tesla electric car, which allows the humanoid robot to recognize real world objects.

Musk describes Optimus as a factory worker but can also be an extraordinary friend like the robot R2D2 or C3PO to help with daily tasks at home.

Optimus is designed to handle both hazardous and routine tasks in factories and other environments. However, he is also programmed to be friendly and be a good companion like a pet.

He is also claimed to be capable of handling various jobs, from installing bolts on four-wheeled vehicles with the right key, to picking up groceries at the kiosk.

Responding to concerns that this robot could be dangerous, Musk noted that Tesla’s robot is not like a killer robot. Optimus can be overthrown physically by ordinary humans.

His statement is somewhat contradictory to the information about his concerns about AI which he has been very vocal about. Previously, Musk had said that AI and robots were far more dangerous than nuclear weapons, and more dangerous than North Korea’s movements.

However, Musk seems motivated to update Optimus’ capabilities. This robot is planned to be marketed between 2025 or 2027 at a price of around USD 20,000 (around Rp. 312.5 million).

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