INSCMagazine: Get Social!

“Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a relationship between equals. Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.” –

-Pema Chodron

The world is very cruel, but not for everybody. Unless you meet cruelty, the world is a nice and wonderful place. It’s all about judgment; one may suffer or feel discriminated against because of someone else’s bias. The world has a way of making us cruel because it strips us of our humanity when we focus on ourselves and not the greater good of society. It can often seem like everywhere you look, there are signs of people and animals being mistreated. People are cruel sometimes, but kindness always wins. In a world full of Pharaohs, one can come across compassionate people like Eric Hall, who have dedicated their lives to the well-being of humankind by introducing justice to an unfair environment.

Born in Rockingham, NC, on 3rd December 1983, Hall is the face behind a reputable organization Creative Minds Healthcare, PLLC. He is a well-known entrepreneur and clinical social worker. Hall attended Richmond Sr High School for his higher education, and during his tenure, he was a remarkable football player and is known to have won Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) Championships consecutively in 2002 and 2003. As a player on the football team, he took great interest in engaging himself in after-school charitable projects in a less privileged school district. His encounter with pupils from less deserving families boosted his inner potential to work as a social worker in the future. His duty there was to incite talented candidates who were lagging behind due to a lack of amenities. While he was still an undergrad, he was recommended by Dr. David Barlow and Dr. Michael DeValve to enter into the first accredited Criminal Justice program at Fayetteville State University, which he eventually made it to the Dean’s list. By 2006, he had completed his bachelor of science degree with a focus on criminal justice from Fayetteville. Subsequently, Hall completed his master’s from Fayetteville State University in criminal justice; during his time there, he dedicated his time to helping those who suffered injustice at the hands of the system and were facing false charges despite being not guilty. His temporary interest in helping the ones in need transmuted into a permanent passion as he shifted to the mental and social work field. Later on, he obtained a Master of social work degree from the University of Southern California.

His legacy continues to blossom as he is an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity and is associated with various corporations such as the National Association for Social Workers (NASW) Board, the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), an Association for persons with developmental disabilities and mental health needs (NADD). Apart from this, Hall serves as a licensed social worker having the authority of two licenses such as Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist (LCAS) in North Carolina. Hall worked as a qualified professional at Yelverton and served as a part of the intense in-home team. His efforts led him to the position of clinical director. After receiving the LCSW in 2017, Hall worked as a social worker nourishing every being served by the team at Yelverton’s Enrichment Services, Inc. with a combination of individual and family therapies.

Finally, in 2021, Hall launched Creative Minds Healthcare, PLLC, an organization dedicated to fulfilling the basic necessities of people of all ages, be it infants or adults, by regulating outpatient services and thorough investigations. His organization serves as a life changer for many in various regions, and Hall serves as an inspiration for many who dream of contributing positivity and administering justice.

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