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In this exclusive interview, we sit down with Miss Wipawinee Jaiboon, popularly known as Pimdao, to delve into her journey in the Thai entertainment industry. Born on May 13, 1998, in Udonthani, Pimdao has quickly emerged as one of the most promising actresses in Thailand. With her charming personality and impressive acting skills, she has captivated audiences and left an indelible mark on the industry.

Early Life and Background

Q: Tell us a bit about your early life and how you got into acting.

Pimdao: I was born and raised in Udonthani, a beautiful province in Thailand. From a young age, I was fascinated by the arts and would often participate in school plays and local performances. My parents were very supportive of my passion. After high school, I decided to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at South China Normal University, which broadened my horizons and gave me a solid foundation in performing arts. This journey ultimately led me to pursue acting professionally.

Breakthrough and Career Highlights

Q: You’ve had some notable roles in both TV and film. What was your breakthrough moment?

Pimdao: My breakthrough came with the sitcom “Pentor” on One31 Channel in 2023. Playing a quirky, relatable character allowed me to connect with a wide audience and really showcase my comedic timing. It was a fantastic experience, and the positive response from viewers was overwhelming. It definitely opened up more opportunities for me in the industry.

Q: Can you share some highlights from your career so far?

Pimdao: One of the major highlights was starring in the drama series “Roo mai krai sod,” which premiered in 2023. The series received high ratings and critical acclaim, which was incredibly rewarding. I also had the honor of being the presenter for “Miss Social Idol: The Presenter of Idol Thailand 2023,” which was a fantastic platform to engage with fans and showcase a different side of my personality. Additionally, working on various advertising campaigns, including billboards for “Masterpiece Hospital Thailand,” has been exciting.

Impact and Contributions

Q: How do you feel your work has impacted the Thai entertainment industry?

Pimdao: I feel grateful and humbled by the positive feedback I’ve received. I strive to bring authenticity and depth to every role I play, and I believe this has resonated with audiences. I’m particularly proud of how my work in different genres has shown that Thai actresses can be versatile and dynamic. I hope to inspire other young talents to pursue their dreams in acting.

Q: You’re known for your advocacy and philanthropic work. Can you tell us more about that?

Pimdao: Advocacy and giving back to the community are very important to me. I’ve been involved in various charitable initiatives and use my platform to raise awareness about causes close to my heart, such as education and environmental sustainability. It’s fulfilling to know that I can make a positive impact beyond the screen.

Personal Insights and Inspirations

Q: What motivates you in your career and personal life?

Pimdao: My biggest motivation comes from my family and my cultural heritage. Their support has been unwavering. I also draw inspiration from the stories I get to tell through my roles. Every character I play teaches me something new and helps me grow both as an actress and as a person. I love sharing these experiences with my fans and hope to continue inspiring them through my work.

Q: Do you have any favorite quotes or personal mantras?

Pimdao: One of my favorite quotes is, “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” This has been a guiding principle for me, especially during challenging times.

Future Plans

Q: What can we expect from you in the future? Any exciting projects coming up?

Pimdao: I’m really excited about some upcoming projects that I can’t reveal too much about just yet! However, I can say that they will be more challenging roles that will push my boundaries as an actress. I’m also looking at opportunities to work internationally, which is an exciting prospect. My goal is to continue growing and evolving in my craft while reaching new audiences.


Miss Wipawinee Jaiboon, or Pimdao, is undoubtedly a rising star in Thai cinema. Her journey from Udonthani to becoming a celebrated actress is a testament to her talent, dedication, and passion for the arts. As she continues to take on new and exciting roles, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this remarkable actress.

For more updates and to follow her journey, visit her Instagram: Pimdao Wipawinee.

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