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As we age, our skin loses its elasticity, and fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin become more prominent. Many individuals choose to undergo a facelift procedure to rejuvenate their appearance and restore a more youthful look. A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that tightens the skin and underlying tissues of the face to reduce the visible signs of aging. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore seven different types of facelifts, their benefits, and what to expect during the procedure.

1. Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift

What is a Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift?

A deep plane or SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) facelift is designed to address sagging skin at the base of the chin and neck by lifting and tightening the lax muscles in that area. This procedure involves delving beneath the SMAS layer, which is located under the skin close to the muscles used for smiling and frowning.

Benefits of a Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift

The deep plane/SMAS facelift provides a more natural and long-lasting result compared to other facelift techniques. By repositioning, reshaping, and smoothing out the SMAS layer, this facelift helps to iron out wrinkles and create a youthful and radiant appearance.

What to Expect During a Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift

During the procedure, the surgeon will make incisions around the hairline and ears to access the underlying SMAS layer. The SMAS layer is then lifted, reshaped, and tightened, resulting in a smoother and more youthful appearance. The recovery time for a deep plane/SMAS facelift is typically longer than other facelift techniques, but the results are often more dramatic and long-lasting.

2. Mini Facelift (Short-Scar Facelift)

What is a Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift, also known as a short-scar facelift, is a less invasive surgical technique that focuses on tightening and smoothing the skin while removing excess tissue. This procedure is typically effective in reducing the appearance of minor jowls and sagging around the lower half of the cheeks and mouth.

Benefits of a Mini Facelift

The mini facelift offers a quicker recovery time and less scarring compared to other facelift techniques, making it an attractive option for individuals who want to address early signs of aging without undergoing a more invasive procedure.

What to Expect During a Mini Facelift

During a mini facelift, the surgeon will make small, inconspicuous incisions under the hairline to access the underlying tissues. The skin is then tightened, smoothed, and any excess tissue is removed. The recovery time for a mini facelift is generally shorter than other facelift procedures, with most patients returning to their normal activities within one to two weeks.

3. Mid-Facelift

What is a Mid-Facelift?

A mid-facelift targets the midsection of the face, particularly the cheeks. Unlike other facelift procedures that add volume to the cheeks through implants or fillers, a mid-facelift focuses on lifting and tightening the existing tissues to eliminate sagging and smooth out wrinkles.

Benefits of a Mid-Facelift

The mid-facelift is an excellent option for patients who do not have jowls or marionette lines but want to address sagging and wrinkles in the mid-face area. This procedure can help to create a more youthful appearance by reducing the depth of nasolabial folds and restoring the natural contours of the cheeks.

What to Expect During a Mid-Facelift

During a mid-facelift, the surgeon will make small incisions around the hairline and ear to access the underlying tissues. Excess tissue is removed, or existing tissue is stitched up to lift the cheeks and eliminate sagging. The procedure can be performed on its own or in conjunction with other facelift techniques to address jowls and marionette lines.

4. Jawline Rejuvenation

What is Jawline Rejuvenation?

Jawline rejuvenation is a procedure that focuses on contouring and reshaping the jawline to create a smoother and more youthful appearance. This is achieved by extracting excess fat cells from the neck area through liposuction.

Benefits of Jawline Rejuvenation

Jawline rejuvenation can help to improve the appearance of the jaw and neckline, which are common areas where signs of aging become visible, especially in women. By creating a smoother and more defined jawline, this procedure can help to restore a more youthful appearance.

What to Expect During Jawline Rejuvenation

During jawline rejuvenation, the surgeon will use liposuction to remove excess fat cells from the neck area. This allows the surgeon to contour and reshape the jawline for a smoother and more youthful appearance. Recovery time for jawline rejuvenation is typically shorter than other facelift procedures, with most patients returning to their normal activities within one to two weeks.

5. Skin-Only Facelift

What is a Skin-Only Facelift?

A skin-only facelift is a procedure that focuses on lifting and tightening the skin without addressing the underlying tissues and muscles. This technique involves making hidden incisions in front of the ear and along the jawline and neck to separate the top layer of skin from the underlying tissues.

Benefits of a Skin-Only Facelift

The skin-only facelift offers a less invasive option for individuals who want to address wrinkles and sagging skin without undergoing a more extensive procedure. However, it is important to note that this procedure is less commonly used today due to its limited longevity compared to other facelift techniques.

What to Expect During a Skin-Only Facelift

During a skin-only facelift, the surgeon will make hidden incisions in front of the ear and along the jawline and neck. The skin is then lifted, excess fat cells are removed, and the underlying tissues are contoured to create a smoother, wrinkle-free appearance. Recovery time for a skin-only facelift is typically shorter than other facelift procedures, but the results may not be as long-lasting.

6. Temporal or Brow Lift (Upper Facelift)

What is a Temporal or Brow Lift?

A temporal or brow lift, also known as an upper facelift, focuses on smoothing out wrinkles and lifting droopy eyebrows to create a more alert and youthful appearance. This procedure is an excellent alternative to more invasive eyebrow lifts, offering a faster and more convenient option for patients.

Benefits of a Temporal or Brow Lift

A temporal or brow lift can help to improve the appearance of the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, creating a more youthful and refreshed look. By lifting and tightening the skin and underlying muscles, this procedure can effectively address drooping eyebrows and smooth out wrinkles in the upper face.

What to Expect During a Temporal or Brow Lift

During a temporal or brow lift, the surgeon will make a small incision along the hairline to access the underlying tissues. The skin and muscles are then lifted and tightened to stretch out the drooping skin on the eyelids and smooth out wrinkles in the forehead. Recovery time for a temporal or brow lift is typically shorter than other facelift procedures, with most patients returning to their normal activities within one to two weeks.

7. Liquid Facelift

What is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of injectable neuromodulators and dermal fillers to volumize and smooth out wrinkles in the face. These treatments can help to stimulate collagen production and promote skin elasticity for a more youthful appearance.

Benefits of a Liquid Facelift

The liquid facelift offers a non-invasive alternative to surgical facelift procedures, providing immediate results with minimal downtime. By targeting specific areas of the face with injectable treatments, a liquid facelift can help to address wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss in a more targeted and customizable way.

What to Expect During a Liquid Facelift

During a liquid facelift, your provider will use a combination of neuromodulators (such as Botox, Dysport, Jeaveau, or Xeomin) and dermal fillers (such as Juvederm, Restylane, or Radiesse) to target specific areas of the face. These injectable treatments are administered with minimal discomfort and require little to no downtime, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately following the procedure.


When considering a facelift, it is essential to consult with a qualified facial plastic surgeon to determine which type of procedure is best suited for your individual needs and goals. By exploring the various facelift options available, you can make an informed decision about which technique will provide the most effective and long-lasting results for your unique facial features and concerns. Remember, a facelift can help to restore youthfulness and confidence, but choosing the right procedure for your needs is crucial for achieving the best possible outcome.


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