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Did you know that fixing a damaged tooth can be as simple as getting a crown?

Dental crowns are caps placed over teeth to restore their shape, size, and strength. They also improve the tooth’s appearance. If you’re wondering whether a dental crown is right for you, keep reading!

Below, we’ll talk about the different types of dental crowns available.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are a great choice for people who want their teeth to look natural and beautiful. These crowns match the color of your other teeth, so they blend in well. They’re really strong and can last a long time if you take good care of them.

People often use porcelain crowns for their front teeth because they look so good. However, they can break if you’re not careful, so it’s important to avoid biting on hard things.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are like porcelain crowns because they also look very natural. These crowns consist entirely of a durable ceramic that matches the color of your teeth. They suit people with metal allergies well because these crowns contain no metal.

Ceramic crowns are perfect for fixing front teeth due to their natural appearance. However, they are not as strong as some other types, so they might not be the best choice for back teeth that do a lot of chewing.

Gold Alloy Crowns

Gold alloy crowns are a mix of gold, copper, and other metals. This combination makes them very strong.

They don’t break or chip easily and they don’t wear down your other teeth. These crowns are a good pick for back teeth because they can handle lots of chewing.

Even with better crown durability, they look different from your natural teeth because of their color. Some people like how they look, but others might not. If you’re thinking about getting dental crowns in Lexington, gold alloy crowns could be a good choice if you want something very durable.

Resin Crowns

Resin crowns are an affordable option for fixing damaged teeth. Made from lightweight, plastic crown materials, they can be easily shaped to match your natural teeth. This makes them a good choice for both front and back teeth, depending on your needs.

Even though they cost less, resin crowns aren’t as strong as other types. They might wear out or break faster, which means you could need to replace them more often. If you’re looking for a quick and budget-friendly solution, resin crowns could be the right choice for you.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are mainly used for children’s teeth. They protect a filled or fixed tooth until it falls out and makes way for the permanent tooth.

For adults, these crowns can act as a temporary solution until making a more permanent crown. They’re strong and can handle a lot of wear and tear.

Plus, they’re more affordable than many other types. This makes stainless steel crowns a practical choice for protecting teeth without spending a lot of money.

Check out These Types of Dental Crowns Today

Choosing the right type of dental crown is important for your smile and health. There are many types of dental crowns to pick from. Your dentist will help you choose the best one for your tooth.

Picking the right crown makes your tooth strong and keeps your smile looking great. Talk to your dentist about the types of dental crowns and find the best one for you!

Check out our other posts for more helpful guides and tips!

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