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Just imagine your ordinary dull and gloomy smile changing into a lustrous, white, and sparkling smile. Sounds amazing, right? With the increasing development in dental technology and equipment, this is no more a challenge for cosmetic dentists to make your smile a beautiful and appealing one. With teeth whitening procedures, you can obtain a completely bright and everlasting smile. Let’s delve into the blog to know everything about teeth whitening treatment. Here, I have shared a few facts about the teeth whitening treatment that you should know.

What Do You Mean by Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry that involves stain removal from your teeth and allows you to smile anywhere, everywhere, without any hesitation. Usually, teeth whitening is performed by a cosmetic dental professional, depending on your dental state. Still, in many cases, with ordinary adjustments, it is also completed by the general dentists. However, there are two types of teeth whitening, the one which is done at the office, and the one which you can do at home itself. Usually, home teeth whitening is performed by the individual itself with kits available in the market. All these are suggested by professionals only. But one drawback of home-based teeth whitening is that they last only for a shorter period and might fade away if you use more coloured foods. You can visit the best dental clinic in Chennai or near you for a perfect and affordable teeth whitening treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening treatment can provide you with certain benefits. Here are a few to mention;

Boosts Self-esteem:

With a white smile, your self-esteem tends to increase and reduces your hesitation. Teeth whitening tends to increase your oral health as well and gives you a confident, everlasting white smile.

Higher Confidence:

A radiant white smile is the key to higher confidence levels in your body. Teeth whitening helps to increase and boost your confidence levels, making you smile confidently.

Oral Hygiene:

By removing the stains and the plaque build-up on your teeth’s surface, the teeth whitening treatment helps to improve your oral hygiene, preventing the attack of bacteria and germs on your mouth.

Prevents Issues:

When there are no stains, there are no chances for plaque build-up, and when there is no plaque, the chances for any oral issues to arise also decrease. Thus, teeth whitening treatment also reduces the risk of oral diseases and issues.

Healthy Overall Health:

Your oral health also influences your overall health. People with advanced gum diseases have slighter chances of developing a heart attack. It is the reason why you have to take care of your oral health.


Facts about Teeth Whitening You Should Know:

Sensitivity Is Common after Teeth Whitening

Many people get teeth sensitivity after the teeth whitening treatment performed on their teeth. However, it is common, and there is nothing to worry about. It is temporary, and you might get well soon. Henceforth, sensitivity after teeth whitening is a bit common.

Night Time Is Best for Whitening

The best time for whitening your teeth is before sleeping or before bedtime. It is because your teeth are more susceptible to absorbing the stains as there are pores inside the teeth. However, whitening your teeth before going to bed reduces the chances of staining.

Teeth Aren’t Naturally White

Most people assume that white teeth are the actual colour of the teeth. But this isn’t true. The fact is that the teeth which look whiter are a shade of grey. The dentin of our teeth is dark yellow, which makes our teeth appear yellow or grey in shade.

White Teeth Are Not Always Healthy

Many people assume that the teeth that are sparkling white are the healthy ones, but this isn’t real. The dentin, which is dark yellow, gives the teeth a yellow shade. But in case your teeth are discoloured because of the stains and plaque then it is an issue of concern.

Crowns, Veneers, and Fillings Cannot Whiten

If you recently had a crown or a filling then please avoid getting teeth whitening, as this might result in uneven colour of the teeth. The teeth whitening products are designed only to whiten the enamel, and the crowns and veneers are made up of inorganic material that doesn’t whiten them.


Teeth Whitening and Teeth Cleaning Are Different

We assume both teeth whitening and teeth cleaning to be the same, but both are different procedures. In the teeth whitening procedure, the dentists whiten your teeth by removing the stains for cosmetic concern. Whereas in the case of the teeth cleaning the plaque and bacteria are removed from the surface of the teeth to prevent tooth decay and bacteria.

Teeth Whitening Doesn’t Last Forever

Many people assume that the teeth whitening treatment makes your teeth white forever. But this isn’t true. Even though it is a professional teeth whitening, the treatment sustains only up to a limited period and can fade away easily, requiring the treatment again.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Sustain?

Professional teeth whitening can sustain up to 2-4 years with proper care and hygiene.

Are There Any Possible Side Effects of the Teeth Whitening Treatment? The teeth whitening treatment might irritate your gums and cause sensitivity immediately after the treatment, and you might get well soon with proper guidance.

Is It Possible to Whiten the Fillings and the Veneers?

Your teeth might come up with different shades if the whitening is done on veneers and fillings, as they do not whiten. It is better to obtain the dental work done on your teeth before you whiten them.


I hope the blog about the facts about teeth whitening was helpful. Visit the best dental clinic near you in case of any emergencies or dental issues.













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