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Breakups are always hard. Whether you are the one initiating the end or just left to agree with the decision, the heartbreak of it never goes away. When we are in a relationship, all we care about are the good parts, and before we know it the end is already knocking on our door. It can be messy, or you both might show remarkable class and elegance, but the fallout is always excruciating. 


Breakups are the last thing that comes to our mind while we are dating someone. While moving on from a breakup isn’t the easiest thing, it is the only way to function in life. Moving on from your last relationship with class and elegance is the only fitting reply for the one that got away. 


Speaking of that, this classy strategy is very common among celebrities. You will never find any official statements from the stars about Taylor Swift Joe Alwyn break up reason. The fan-favorite couple just parted ways and decided to never look back. Dealing with a breakup in the right and healthy way can surely be tough. But it can easily be achieved with some useful advice from an expert. So, in this blog post, we will share some tips that relationship experts swear by to move on from a relationship.


Tips from relationship experts 


  1. Accept the reality – The best way to kickstart your “moving on” process is to accept that the relationship is over. Accept the reality that is in front of you. It can surely feel like this was not supposed to happen, you had plans, and you planned a future with them, but sadly none of it is going to happen anymore. You will have to understand that they are not coming back anymore and you two are just two ships that are headed in different directions. 


Give yourself the space and time to grieve properly instead of just bottling up your emotions and putting up a happy front. Most importantly, accepting reality will help you to move on from the relationship easily. 


  1. No contact policy – Stopping all contact with the person who has been a part of your life for the longest time can be really tough. We understand that they are your favorite person and your best friend, but in the end, you have to let go. Every time you text them or call them, it will push you way back in your healing process. 


The best way to heal is to completely stop all communication chains with them. In case you two live in the same building or go to the same gym, then it will be best for you to pick another place or change the timings. Keeping contact with your ex is just like removing and reapplying a bandaid. It is painful and it just gets in the way of healing. 


  1. Don’t compare your life – After the break up the only way in which you will be able to know about their whereabouts is by checking their social media accounts. Well, you believe it or not social media is a big lie. We only choose to showcase the best sides on our Instagram feeds, no one talks about the real things, the emotions. Checking their profile will only tell you that they are out there partying or just living their best lives but that’s not the whole truth. 


But it will make you think that maybe you are the only one in distress, causing you more pain. Stop stalking them on their social media profiles, and stop stalking their friends, or the people they are spotted with. Rather use this energy to heal yourself. Don’t surround yourself with other break up topics like Taylor Swift Joe Alwyn break up reason, just read a book or go out with your friends. 


  1. Find yourself – Most of the time when we date someone, we tend to lose ourselves in the process. We start shaping ourselves, our likes and dislikes, and our habits according to their preference, and before we know it the old us is totally gone. We stop practicing our hobbies, watching our favorite movies, spending time with friends and family, and whatnot. 


This is a big reason why we feel so lost after breaking up with someone. The instant feeling that something is not right is not because you are missing them, it is because you are missing the old you. So, after you have broken up with them, start spending more time with yourself, and start doing all that you stopped doing. When you start loving yourself all over again, it will give you the strength to move on from this chapter of your life with class and elegance. 


  1. Go for therapy – Sometimes the grief can feel like a lot. It can feel like this huge load of weight sitting on your chest. Most importantly, it can also start affecting your mental health, which is very common for breakups. There can be instances when it feels like you are having a breakdown or falling into depression. 


In these situations, it is best to go for therapy. So, find a good mental health expert and share your problems with them to get some help. Moreover, you can also search for low-fee mental health clinics if you feel like money is an issue. 


  1. Have a glow-up – A glow-up is nothing but an act to cut all ties from the old you, and rise like a phoenix. Simply start by having a skincare routine, exercise regimen, and a haircut. Take time to work on yourself and create the best version of yourself. This will not only make you feel happy but will also make them regret when they look at this new you. 


And finally…


Breakups have never been easy for anyone and you are definitely not an exception. But following this advice from relationship experts will help you to move on with class and elegance. Good luck with completely changing your life.

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