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We love our home. We may not be that crazy about keeping them clean or building them at first, but in the end – we’re so glad we have them. The problem is that we can still lose them – often in a matter of seconds. We’re talking, of course, about various types of accidents. Some of them may not damage the building itself but those who live inside – which is often even worse. Slips, falls, burglaries… It’s not always rainbows and butterflies. But don’t worry – you can still turn it into a safe haven or, at the very least, significantly reduce the likelihood of any of these unfortunate things happening. It just takes some planning.

Fire Safety

Fire safety is the cornerstone of any home safety plan. You need these tools, like extinguishers and smoke alarms. You also need an effective fire escape plan. You also need to make sure everybody knows and understands how to use them. Remember, there are actually different types of fire extinguishers. You’ve got your water, dry powder, CO2 or wet chemical fire extinguisher. For home applications, ABC dry powder is the safest and most versatile bet. One last thing – don’t forget about fire extinguisher servicing. Who needs a tool that doesn’t work, right?

Don’t Injure Yourself

Be careful. This is just about the best piece of advice you can get in this context. If you’re not paying attention, you can slip and fall anywhere. Quite literally. And we’ve got plenty of opportunities around the house – loose rugs, cluttered walkways, steps, and slippery surfaces. Use handrails and grab bars in bathrooms and stairwells to make it easier to have some extra protection and prevent falls, especially for young children and elderly family members. But make no mistake – they won’t save if you’re not paying attention.

Securing Your Home Against Intruders

Home security is another critical aspect. Invest in robust door and window locks, you can also throw in some security cameras, and motion-sensor lighting to deter burglars and intruders. Depending on your needs, you might want to consider installing a home security system that includes features such as alarms, surveillance, and remote monitoring to have that extra peace of mind. Also, make sure your family has all the basic security practices down, such as locking doors and windows when leaving the house and not sharing sensitive information with strangers.


Preparing for emergencies can be tricky. By definition, these happen unexpectedly. Nevertheless, we need a fairly reliable system in place – it’s essential for handling unexpected situations effectively. Create a well-stocked emergency kit that includes essential supplies such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit. Keep important documents, such as identification papers, insurance policies, and medical records, in a secure, easily accessible location. Develop a communication plan with your family members to ensure everyone knows how to stay in contact during emergencies.

Peace of Mind

Some of these measures may seem excessive. And perhaps they are. Plenty of households don’t have security cameras, multiple extinguishers or fancy door locks. And they’re safe. That’s fair enough. Some of these elements are legally required; others are just some helpful additions. It’s up to you to decide what you need. But they do bring something a lot of us can’t put a price on – and that’s peace of mind

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