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Python, an immensely popular programming language, is extensively employed for AI, web development, data analysis, etc. As Python evolves, new features and enhancements are introduced, making it essential to know which version you have installed. Whether you are a Python developer or a system administrator, being aware of how to check Python version in Linux system is crucial for compatibility and optimal performance. With this blog, we will highlight three straightforward yet optimal methods to check the Python version in Linux. Continue reading and grab all the paramount insights. 

Understanding Python Version

Python follows a versioning system with the format “major.minor.micro”. Each component signifies specific changes:

  1. Major Version: Signifies significant changes and may introduce backward incompatibility. For instance, the shift from Python 2 to Python 3.
  2. Minor Version: Adds new features while sustaining backward compatibility within the same major version.
  3. Micro Version: Involves bug fixes and improvements without introducing new features.

Keeping up with the latest stable version is recommended for enhanced functionality and security, while also ensuring compatibility with earlier versions for broader accessibility.

Python Version Release

Python has a vibrant community of developers who work tirelessly to improve the language. With years passing, various versions have been released, each contributing to Python’s evolution. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is responsible for overseeing these releases, and they ensure that Python remains an open-source, community-driven language.

3 Ways to Check Python Version in Linux

Check Python Version in Linux with Python -V Command

The simplest and quickest way to check Python version in Linux is by using the command-line utility “python -V” or “python –version”. This built-in feature provides an immediate response, allowing developers and system administrators to get the information they need without writing any code.

In a terminal, simply enter the command as:

python -V

After pressing Enter, the installed Python version release on your system will be shown. For instance, the output might be “Python 3.9.6,” indicating that Python 3.9.6 is installed. The version number will be printed to the console, giving you an immediate overview of the Python environment on your Linux machine.

This method is particularly useful for quickly checking the Python version release, especially when you need to verify the version on multiple machines or in automated scripts. It eliminates the need to write and execute a Python script, making it an efficient way to gather version information.

Check Python Version with sys Module in Linux

Python provides a powerful and versatile “sys” module, which offers various system-specific parameters and functions. Among these capabilities is the ability to retrieve comprehensive details about the Python version.

To check the Python version using the “sys” module, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Python script (e.g., and open it in a text editor.
  2. Add the following code to the script:

import sys

print(“Python version:”)


print(“Version info:”)


  1. Save the respective file & then, open up a terminal in the same directory where the script is found.
  2. Execute the script using the Python interpreter:


Upon running the script, detailed information about the installed Python version will be displayed. The output will include the version string, build date, and additional information, such as the default build date. For example, “3.9.6 (default, Jul 10 2022, 21:23:51)” indicates Python 3.9.6.

This method is particularly helpful for developers and system administrators who need comprehensive details about the understanding of the Python version, including build information and compile flags. It is also invaluable when troubleshooting compatibility issues or when interacting with specific Python features that may vary between versions.

Check Python Version with Platform Module in Linux

The “platform” module in Python provides cross-platform support for system-specific functionalities, including retrieving information about the Python version.

Here’s how to check the Python version using the “platform” module:

1. Create a Python script (e.g., and open it in a text editor.

2. Add the given below code to the script:

import platform

print(“Python version:”, platform.python_version())

print(“Python version tuple:”, platform.python_version_tuple())

3. Save the respective file & then, open up a terminal in the same directory where the script is found.

4. Execute the script using the Python interpreter:


Upon running the script, the installed Python version will be presented. The output will include both a human-readable version string (e.g., “Python version: 3.9.6”) and a version tuple (e.g., “Python version tuple: (‘3’, ‘9’, ‘6’)”). This tuple format can be particularly useful for programmatic comparisons or conditional operations based on the Python version.

The “platform” module’s versatility extends beyond just retrieving Python version information, as it can also provide system-specific details like the operating system name, architecture, and more.


Knowing how to check Python version in Linux system is crucial for seamless code execution and ensuring compatibility with third-party libraries and frameworks. In this blog, we explored three methods to check the Python version: using the “python -V” command, the “sys” module, and the “platform” module. Each method is simple and effective, allowing you to quickly retrieve the Python version information. Whether you are a Python developer, data scientist, or system administrator, keeping track of Python versions will empower you to make informed decisions. Also, you will be able to leverage the complete advantage of this useful programming language. So go ahead and try out these methods to unveil the Python version running on your Linux machine. For any relevant queries, you can seek support from web hosting company “Hostbillo” experts who remain available 24/7/365 for exceptional customer assistance. 

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