Carpet Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
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Ever wondered why a thorough cleaning at home ruins the carpet? Whereas, professional cleaning gives the carpets a fresh and clean look. There can be a bunch of reasons. However, most of the time this is because we do not know how to clean the carpet the right way. It is because carpets are much more sensitive than you think. Therefore, rackless rubbing and washing damage the carpet fibers. 

If you can not afford to send your dirty carpet for professional carpet cleaning services do it yourself the right way. Here is a brief guide that would help you clean the carpet without damaging it:

  • Have all the necessities 
  • Vacuum the carpet to perfection 
  • Pick up the crumbs and pet hair
  • Find and treat the stains 
  • Make a cleaning solution and dampen the carpet with it 
  • Leave it to dry

Have all the necessities 

To clean the carpet to perfection one might need a few things. To be more specific, vacuum, spray bottle, microfiber cloth, scrub brush with the stiff nylon blisters, bucket, fan, lint roller, squeegee, distilled white vinegar, salt, and baking soda. So, before beginning to work on this mission, have all the necessities. 

Vacuum the carpet to perfection 

The carpet that has not been cleaned for some time contains dirt and debris hiding between the fibers. Therefore, the first thing that you need to do is vacuum the carpet. To vacuum the carpet to perfection, place it somewhere away from the furniture, carefully set the vacuum to a proper height, and go slow. Keep in mind that if the vacuum cleaner fails to pick up the entire dirt in one go, repeat the process. The carpets that are exceptionally dirty sometimes require a few more rounds to lose the dirt and debris residing in for a long time.

Pick up the crumbs and pet hair 

Once the carpet is vacuum cleaned, it’s time to get rid of the crumbs and pet hair. Use a lint roller to pick up the crumbs and squeegee to capture the pet hair. 

Find and treat the stains 

Almost all carpets that get used quite often contain stains. These stains can be of many types, each stain requires a different treatment. However, there is one thing that you need to keep in mind while treating the stain is to blot, never rub. Rubbing spreads the stains whereas blotting picks it up without damaging the carpet fiber.

Make a cleaning solution and dampen the carpet with it 

Make a cleaning solution by mixing distilled white vinegar, baking soda, and table salt. Give it a good mix and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the entire carpet until it gets damp.

Leave it to dry

Lastly, you have to leave the solution to show its magic and the carpet to dry. Turn on the fan and open the door and windows to increase the airflow that carpet needs to dry. The carpet would take a few hours, once it is completely dry you can bring it back to its place and begin using it. 

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