INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Sometimes, children seem to lack ambition in the summer. After a challenging year at school, many kids want to chill out and relax without a care in the world. While kids deserve a break, it is important that they remain active and get exercise. Too much lying around is unhealthy and can cause problems, especially for little ones with anxiety or ADHD.

ADHD in 5-year-olds and anxiety in similar-aged kids can cause outbursts and tantrums when life becomes too dull or unpredictable. Therefore, it is best for parents to help kids exercise and remain active so they burn off nervous energy.

1. Plan Family Fitness Challenges

Most children love good competition or gameplay. A family fitness challenge is an excellent way to create goal-oriented incentives to commit to exercise and activity. For example, maybe your family can commit to doing so many steps every day. Using a fitness tracker, children and adults can compete to have the most steps. The winner gets to choose an activity for the entire family.

Fitness challenges can also go for the entire summer. For example, maybe you challenge your kids to spend at least 30 minutes outside daily, with reprieves for rainy days. If they succeed, think of a tangible reward, preferably an activity.

2. Encourage Sports

Sports are an excellent way to keep children active during the summer. You can look for local leagues at city parks or youth organizations. Sports are good for more than keeping kids active; they also teach children about teamwork and fair play.

Children with ADHD or anxiety may find it challenging to join organized sports, but that doesn’t mean they should avoid it. If possible, work with a professional and use ADHD and anxiety medication combination to help combat symptoms and encourage socialization in your children.

3. Take Walks or Hikes

For kids that are too young for organized sports or prefer the company of their family, consider local outings. You can take walks in the evenings to local parks or find local hiking trails suitable for your little ones.

Spending time outdoors is good for everyone in the family. Research proves that exposure to the sun and green space is good for mental health.

4. Go for a Bike Ride

Maybe your family isn’t the walking or hiking crowd. Maybe your kids like to get places faster. If your family has a need for speed, consider taking bike rides. 

Cycling is an excellent form of cardiovascular and aerobic exercise. While you may be technically seated, you are using various muscles in the body to encourage balance and momentum. Also, you’re outside.

5. Plan Family Outings

If your children seem exercise averse at home, get them out of the house. Plan family outings to the zoo, park, or beach. As the parent, you control your child’s environment, so take them someplace where sitting isn’t an option.

Over-the-counter meds for ADHD child or anxious little ones can help when trying to get them involved in sports and other social activities. The main thing is to get your kids active and outdoors. Talk to a doctor if you are concerned with how much time your child spends inside.

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