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Spring is fast approaching and that means the big clean is on the horizon as you look to clear your home from clutter and create a blank canvas to upgrade your interior in the future. It’s estimated that around 93% of British households have a spring clean every year, proving just how popular it is in this country. 

Whether you’re a regular spring cleaner or you’ve never done it before, you may be looking for advice. This should help you complete your tasks with ease and leave your home in tip-top condition. Our guide below can help you with this, so continue reading to learn how you can spring clean like a pro. 

Why should I spring clean? 

There are many benefits to spring cleaning and the obvious one is that you’ll have a tidier home that’s clutter-free. Decluttering is linked to improving mental health too, so you can give yourself a boost and improve your mood.

If you’re getting ready to sell your home to buy a new build house, decluttering can help to boost your home’s value too. This is because the house will be more attractive to potential buyers, leading to them offering more to seal the deal. 

Preparation is key 

You don’t want to start your cleaning, only to find out you’re missing essential cleaning supplies. Make sure you make a list of all the supplies and tools you may need for your cleaning and get them ready. 

We recommend making a list of all the cleaning jobs you need to do too. This means you won’t miss a spot and can delegate jobs to different people in the household to speed up the cleaning. 

Start by decluttering

Deep cleaning is much easier when you don’t have unwanted items getting in the way. Go around each room to decide what items you want and which ones you don’t. Goods you no longer need can then be binned, donated to charity or sold on second-hand websites like Vinted

Get cleaning 

Now your home only has the items you want to keep, you can start your deep clean. We recommend tackling it room-by-room, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Each room will have different challenges, so try to find the best methods for cleaning things like mould in bathrooms or dust in bedrooms. This should make your cleaning easier and more effective. 

Maintain the clean 

Once your house is as clean as can be, make sure you start to make a conscious effort to keep it that way. Continue to monitor every room for dirt and grime, and schedule regular cleaning days to keep your home in tip-top condition for the foreseeable future. 

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