Aviram Spies
INSCMagazine: Get Social!

Interviewer: Aviram Spies, your musical journey has been quite diverse, starting from piano to jazz and film composition. Can you share how your early experiences with the piano shaped your passion for creating music?

Aviram: Thank you for having me. Indeed, my journey began with the piano at a young age. I was always drawn to creating music and experimenting with jazz pieces. It laid the foundation for my love for composition and exploration across different genres.

Interviewer: Jazz has been a significant influence in your musical career. What was it about jazz that captivated you, and how has it continued to shape your musical world?

Aviram: Jazz has a certain freedom and spontaneity that resonated with me from the start. The improvisational aspect of jazz allowed me to express myself in ways that jazz music couldn’t. It has been a constant in my musical world, influencing not just my solo work but also my ventures into other genres like funk.

Interviewer: Speaking of funk, you’re part of a funk-prog band that released a mini album. Can you tell us about your experiences with the band and how it complements your solo work?

Aviram: Being part of a funk-prog band has been a joyful experience. The collaborative nature of a band adds a different dynamic to my music. We released a mini album, and the process of creating and performing that music was electrifying. It complements my solo work by bringing in collective creativity and shared energy.

Interviewer: Your academic journey took you from the Jerusalem Academy of Music to Berklee College of Music, where you pursued a Master’s degree in Scoring for Film, TV, and Video Games. How did this transition into film composition come about, and how has it influenced your approach to music?

Aviram: The transition into film composition was a natural progression for me. I’ve always been fascinated by the way music can enhance storytelling. Berklee provided me with the tools and knowledge to dive into the world of film scoring. It has influenced my approach by adding a layer of storytelling to my compositions, allowing me to create immersive musical experiences.

Interviewer: Your music is described as giving you an opportunity to be heard, have fun, and make people happier. How do you ensure these elements are reflected in your compositions, and what message do you hope listeners take away from your music?

Aviram: The joy of creating music is something I carry into every composition. Whether it’s the playful elements in my jazz pieces or the emotional resonance in film scores, I want listeners to feel a connection. Music has the power to evoke emotions, and if my work brings happiness or resonates with someone, then I’ve achieved my goal.

Interviewer: Looking ahead, what can we expect from Aviram Spies in the future? Any upcoming projects or new musical explorations on the horizon?

Aviram: I’m always exploring new avenues in music. Currently, I’m working on some exciting film projects that allow me to push creative boundaries. Additionally, I’m experimenting with blending different genres in my solo work, so there’s definitely more to come.

Interviewer: Where can your fans and music lovers follow you?

Aviram: Yes, they can follow me at:



Official Website

Interviewer: Thank you, Aviram, for sharing your insights and experiences with us. We look forward to witnessing the continued evolution of your musical journey.

Aviram: Thank you. It’s been a pleasure.

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