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Gambling addiction, or compulsive gambling as it is sometimes known, is a problem that affects millions of people around the world.

Gambling addiction can happen to anybody and it is when you can not control the impulse to gamble. Everybody enjoys a cheeky gamble from time to time but someone who suffers from gambling addiction may not be able to stop themselves from gambling, regardless of the consequences for them or those around them.

This can have a serious impact, not just on the financial life of a person but it can also affect their mental health and their relationships with those around them. If you are at the point, and need some tips to stop gambling, please read all the tips below in this article to help you beat that addiction once and for all.

How it affects society

Gambling addiction is not just going to have an impact on the person who is suffering. It will also impact that person’s friends and family. Some reports suggest that the average gambling addict has an impact on at least 10 people in their life. Some compulsive gamblers may not just be gambling their own money, as they may borrow, or even worse, steal from their friends or family in order to continue to feed their habits. This can lead to several damaged relationships that can take years to fix.

Needless to say, if you have shared finances with a partner, or you have children, then this can have a very serious impact on their life.

How to recognize if you have a gambling problem

Gambling addiction is a very serious problem and it is one that a lot of sufferers will live in denial about for a long period of time. This is because people will often attempt to justify their gambling habits, they may argue that they don’t gamble every day, or that they could stop if they wanted to.

If you think you or someone you may know has a gambling problem, there are several signs you can be aware of.

Hiding and lying about gambling: If you are actively lying to those around you about your online gambling, then this may be because you are gambling too much. Keeping secrets from your friends and family is very much a sign of compulsive behavior.

Inability to stop: This one may seem obvious but it doesn’t just apply to an inability to stop when you’re losing, you need to know when to stop when you’re winning as well. You may just use a low minimum deposit casino found on online casino reviews sites like this one and tell yourself that it is okay, but this is not the case.

Gambling money you don’t have: This is when your gambling has become a serious problem. If you are gambling your financial security then you should seek some assistance.

What to do if you have a gambling addiction

There are plenty of things you can do if you realize you have a gambling addiction. The first thing you should do is to let your friends and family know and seek their support. This is an important step that will you help get back on track.

Once you have done that, you should begin to seek professional advice. There are many ways people suggest getting help with gambling, some suggesting going cold turkey, while others suggest slowly getting yourself away from the lifestyle.

You should also seek out support groups. These will be full of people who have had the same experiences as you and they will be able to help you a lot.

List of helpful organizations

Thankfully, there is a lot of support available for gambling addicts and those affected.

Gamcare: Gamcare is a British website that offers live web support as well as phone numbers where you can anonymously speak to advisors.

NCPG: The National Council on Problem Gambling is another excellent site that offers various methods of support anonymously.  This is another brilliant service that provides free support for those affected by gambling addiction.

Gordon Moody Association: This is a UK based residential treatment center that allows adults to go on courses to help them overcome their gambling issues.


Gambling addiction is a serious problem for many people and if you believe that you, or somebody you know, may have a gambling problem, then it is best to speak to somebody about the issue. Gambling addiction can have a major effect on the lives of everyone involved, so please try to gamble responsibly.

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