“You have to take a deep breath and allow the music to flow through you. Revel in it, allow yourself to awe. When you play, allow the music to break your heart with its beauty.” – Kelly White
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Music fuels the mind, consequently fueling our creativity. A creative mind has the ability to make discoveries and create innovations. The greatest minds and thinkers like Albert Einstein, Mozart, and Frank Lloyd Wright all had something in common in that they were constantly exploring their imagination and creativity.

Listening to instrumental music challenges one to listen and tell a story about what one hears. In the same sense, playing a musical instrument gives you the ability to tell a story without words. Both require maximum right brain usage, which exercises not only one’s creativity but also one’s intellect. All of the arts, including writing, painting, dance, and theater, have the ability to create a similar effect.

Music is considered to be a universal language. It creates an aura of positivity and brings entertainment to human life. It is loved by everyone because it has the power to change the mood and add a sense of relief to the lives of people. One can gain answers to unsolved questions in the mind via music, and it is quite possibly the one thing that stays with people till the end of their lives. Music helps people express themselves in a better way. It has various impacts on the lives of people. People like John De Titta have various emotions attached to many songs because music helps them relate to everyone and everything around them. Music can bring people together on different occasions as it is an excellent source of communication.

John De Titta, an American-based musician, inventor, and screenwriter who was born on November 30, 1962, had his own journey of hardships since the age of 18. While life seemed full of misery, De Titta found a haven in music by starting his early career at the sole age of 18, writing songs and movie scripts.

De Titta has written several movies and web shows. In 2002, he wrote a script, a 150-page screenplay, based on his entrepreneurship experiences. He then moved into the industry with his script for getting into production and managed to meet several producers there. After talking to a number of people, he finally got funding of $5,000,000 from one of the top producers to continue the script and make it into a featured film. However, due to his family commitments, he had to leave the screenplay at that time, but the script was re-written by another screenwriter, and the film grossed over $200,000,000 at the international box office and won several Academy awards with critical acclaim. Soon after, he tried his hand at real estate and started purchasing and retailing apartments, service stations, hotels, complexes, and condos. At the age of 31, he started product marketing leaving real estate. He took a cardboard chair patent with zero value and got it placed into hundreds of auditoriums across the country, including a contract with the New York City Parks. De Titta’s personal understanding of dealing with all kinds of miseries and his inner strength and willpower instilled in him to write Manic Ride and based the script on his individual experiences in successfully Coping with all kinds of hardships in life.

Besides scripture writing, De Titta has composed many songs and also released his album Keep on Walking, which was created in collaboration with Grammy winner Ms. Monet and sold out regularly when she toured with Boz Scaggs in 2018. The songs in the album include: “Keep on Walking,” “Set Love Free,” “Runaway,” ‘Power,” and “Love Letter.”

De Titta’s personal life challenges ingrained in him an understanding of the sternness of life and how important it is for everybody to stay kind to each other. This mentality triggered his inventor side of the personality, motivating him to come up with Loveaid.com, a social media alternative platform for non-profit organizations. It is all about positive content channels to inspire, motivate and share upbeat love-based messages. Loveaid.com provides a platform for non-profit organizations to create projects in communities that bring an impact on society.

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