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Hosting online video events has proven to be an effective way to reach and engage with people worldwide. No wonder more and more businesses and individuals are looking to penetrate several live-streaming platforms. In particular, the LinkedIn live webinar has emerged as an effective tool for businesses to connect, educate, and expand their reach.
LinkedIn has been a helpful tool for professionals to showcase their services. So why not showcase your products and services on this platform as well?

Why Choose LinkedIn Live Webinars

With more and more viewers preferring to watch live streams than read blog posts, going live with your marketing can help position your brand as a thought leader.
LinkedIn Live webinars offer a unique opportunity for B2B and enterprise companies to connect with high-profile buyer personas in a professional, social media environment.
Several types of LinkedIn Live webinars can be effective for B2B and enterprise companies.
● Thought leadership events allow you to share your industry expertise to attract high-profile buyer personas.
● Product demos or launch events to showcase what you offer and demonstrate their value to potential customers.

Here are reasons to host webinars on LinkedIn

Increased your visibility

LinkedIn Live allows you to reach a wider audience, thus increasing your visibility within the professional community on LinkedIn.

Targeted audience

LinkedIn is a great platform if you are targeting a specific audience, as it has a vast network of professionals. You can easily customize your content for their particular needs and interests.

Networking opportunities

LinkedIn live webinars enable you to engage with your audience in real time.
During the LinkedIn webinar, attendees can ask questions, provide feedback, and interact with each other.

Thought leadership

Hosting webinars on LinkedIn Live helps establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Content repurposing

After the live webinar, you can repurpose the recorded session as on-demand content.
And with automated webinar software like StealthSeminar, you can run your evergreen webinars like they are live events. These tools also offer several features to help you generate income without much hassle.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Set Up Your LinkedIn Live Event

● Visit the LinkedIn Events page and click “New Event” in the top right corner.
● Choose the Event Type as “LinkedIn Live” to ensure seamless integration with the live streaming feature.
● Set the event schedule, description, and add speakers to create an enticing event page.
● Consider using a LinkedIn registration form or opt for a simpler one-click “attend” button experience.
● Once you’ve completed the event details, post it to schedule the event and share it across your network.

Step 2: Prepare Your Zoom Integration

● Ensure you have a corporate Zoom account (paid) to enable streaming to LinkedIn Live.
● Follow the Zoom guide to enable live-streaming meetings with a custom streaming service.
● Check that the Zoom client shows the “Live on Custom Streaming Service” option in the meeting menu.
● Test your Zoom setup to ensure seamless integration with LinkedIn Live.

Step 3: Go Live on LinkedIn

● Visit the LinkedIn Live Streaming console 60-90 minutes before your event.
● Locate your upcoming event and choose the closest region to your location.
● Copy the streaming URL and Stream Key provided on the console.
● Paste the event URL and key into Zoom’s streaming settings page.
● Connect your Zoom account and ensure the integration is successful.
● Click the “Go Live” button on LinkedIn Live once you’re ready to start streaming.

Best Webinar Practices to Ensure Success

To maximize the impact of your LinkedIn Live webinars, it’s essential to follow best practices throughout the event lifecycle. Here are some tips to ensure a successful webinar:


● Promote your event across your LinkedIn network and other relevant channels.
● Craft a compelling event announcement message to generate interest and excitement.
● Leverage LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities to reach your target audience.
● Share teasers or sneak peeks to create anticipation and drive registrations.

During the Event:

● Engage with the viewers by responding to their Linkedin comments and questions in real-time.
● Incorporate interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and live chats to foster engagement.
● Keep the content concise, actionable, and relevant to your audience’s needs.
● Use visuals, such as slides or product demos, to enhance the viewer experience.


● Share the recorded webinar on LinkedIn and other relevant platforms.
● Follow up with attendees to nurture relationships and provide additional resources.
● Analyze the event’s performance using LinkedIn’s analytics to measure success.
● Gather feedback and incorporate it into future webinars to continually improve.
Moreover, measure the success of your LinkedIn Live events. Track metrics such as the number of attendees, engagement levels, and post-webinar conversions. Use this data to refine your future webinar strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I host a LinkedIn Live webinar without Zoom?

Yes, you can use third-party tools like OBS or other streaming services to conduct your LinkedIn Live webinar. However, Zoom’s built-in streaming capabilities provide seamless integration and a smoother experience.

Q: How can I promote my LinkedIn Live webinar effectively?

Promote your LinkedIn Live webinar by leveraging your LinkedIn network, sharing the event announcement across relevant groups and communities, and utilizing LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities to reach your desired audience. Additionally, consider partnering with influencers or thought leaders who can help amplify your event’s reach.

Q: How can I engage my audience during a LinkedIn Live webinar?

Engage your audience during a LinkedIn Live webinar by actively responding to real-time comments and questions. Incorporate interactive elements like polls, Q&A sessions, and live chats to foster engagement. Additionally, consider using visuals, such as slides or product demos, to enhance the viewer experience.

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