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If you are reading this, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of having acne-prone skin that is generally sensitive too. Having a clear, glowing complexion can feel like a dream come true. But don’t worry, acne warriors, because within these pages, you’ll find the ultimate acne skincare guide.


We’ll break down the ins and outs of acne management. Whether you’re looking to understand the challenges of acne or discover the best acne skincare routines, this guide will be your best ally in the battle for acne-free skin.


Challenges of managing acne

To address the root causes of acne (which can be many), it is important to understand the challenges faced by acne-prone skin when heat plays a crucial role in exacerbating acne.


  1. Sensitivity of the skin: Acne-prone skin with sensitivity adds an extra layer of complexity, making it even more important to have gentle, soothing skin care routines that are tailored to your individual needs. The combination of acne treatment with sensitivity management is a delicate balance. Many acne-fighting products can be harsh on sensitive skin, and it leads to many people being afraid to try new products, which limits their skincare options. Finding acne-targeting products that don’t irritate sensitive skin is often a trial-and-error process.


  1. Increased sebum/oil production: When the heat and moisture increase, the sebum production rises and the pores are blocked to form acne. Try Oil-free products instead of oil ones to prevent the pores from blocking.


  1. Acne Spreading: The best way to prevent acne is to practice good hygiene.


  1. Makeup Tools: Dirty makeup brushes, sponge applicators and other makeup brushes can carry bacteria and oil. If you don’t clean your makeup brushes and applicators on a regular basis, bacteria and oil can seep into your skin, clog pores and cause acne breakouts.


  1. Face Towel: Using the same face towel over and over again without washing it can re-introduce bacteria, oil and dead skin cells to your skin, which can worsen existing acne or cause new breakouts.


  1. Touching your face: Unwashed hands can carry bacteria, oil and dirt to your skin, which can clog pores and cause acne to flare-up. Excessive contact with your face can also worsen existing acne lesions by increasing inflammation.


  1. Acne Pickings: Acne pickings and squeezes cause trauma to your skin, resulting in more inflammation, infection and scarring. They spread bacteria to your pores, causing new acne breakouts in the surrounding areas.


  1. Sharing personal care items: Sharing makeup, skincare products, towels or any other personal care item can spread germs and oils between people, making it more likely for acne to spread.


  1. Excessive exfoliation: Exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells from the skin surface, however, over-exfoliation may also remove the natural oil essential for maintaining the water balance of the skin’s surface and thus may lead to acne. Limit exfoliation to once or twice weekly (in the beginning) using only gentle options from the salicylic acid as well as lactic acid families to keep your skin from getting irritated.


  1. Dehydration: Sun and heat can dry out the skin and therefore the skin may end up overproducing oil and the skin barrier will be weakened resulting in acne getting worse. Drink enough water and use oil-free and, especially, light moisturizers.


Step-by-Step Guide for Acne Skincare Routine

Below is a detailed guide to a skincare routine tailored to combat acne, encompassing both daytime and nighttime rituals:


  1. Cleanse:

Begin the morning by cleansing your face with a mild exfoliating yet robust cleanser, especially those with pore cleansing capabilities to eliminate any sweat, oils and impurities that may have settled during the night. Because the main job of oily or acne-prone skin face wash is to unclog the pores. Look for gentle exfoliating cleansers enriched with components such as salicylic acid, niacinamide or tea tree oil to aid in unclogging pores, thus preventing breakouts.



People with oily skin can benefit from a “Double-cleanse”. It is not about washing your face twice a day but it’s about using two different types of cleanser at the same time.


The first is usually an oil-based cleanser. This is followed up by a water-based one. The catch is that an oil-based cleanser is designed to remove oil-based impurities, including makeup, sunscreen, sebum and pollution. By getting rid of this stuff first, the second water-based cleanser can work its way into the skin, removing the likes of grime and sweat.


  1. Tone:

Toner plays a very important role in a skincare routine for oily, acne-prone skin. Oily skin is generally more acidic, so using a toner, especially those designed for oily skin helps to neutralize the pH of the skin which will prolong oil release from the skin. It then results in controlled sebum production of the skin. Opt for toners infused with calming elements like witch hazel or rose water to calm inflammation and minimize the visibility of pores.


  1. Treat with serum:

Serum is a crucial part of managing and treating acne, offering targeted solutions to address specific concerns associated with the acne relief & recovery. Among these, the most important and primary serum for oily, acne-prone skin focuses on oil control while simultaneously treating acne and acne related concerns. An ideal skincare for oily/acne-prone skin is the one that focuses on oil control while treating existing acne & preventing future blemishes.


  1. Sebum Control:


Controlling excess oil production is essential for preventing clogged pores and acne breakouts. Look for sebum control serums containing ingredients like salicylic acid, witch hazel, or mattifying agents that help regulate sebum production and keep shine at bay without drying out the skin.


  1. Acne Healing:


Treating existing acne and promoting healing is crucial for preventing further breakouts and achieving a clearer complexion. Opt for serums enriched with acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid serum, tea tree oil, or benzoyl peroxide, which can help unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and speed up the healing process of acne lesions.


  1. Post-Mark Treatment:


Addressing post-acne marks or scars is essential for achieving a smooth, even skin tone and minimizing the appearance of acne-related discoloration. Choose serums like vitamin C serum, lactic acid serum, alpha arbutin or niacinamide, known for their brightening and skin-renewing properties, to fade hyperpigmentation, improve skin texture and promote overall skin radiance.


  1. Pore Minimizing:


Enlarged pores are a common concern for those with acne-prone skin, often resulting from excess oil production and clogged pores. Look for pore minimizing serum containing pore-refining ingredients such as niacinamide, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), or peptides, which help tighten and refine enlarged pores, resulting in smoother, more refined-looking skin texture.


  1. Seal Hydration- Moisturizer:

Yes! It might sound crazy when we say to use moisturizer, especially for oily skin. Understanding the little science behind how & why the skin produces oil answers that. Sebaceous glands produce oil to keep the skin moist & create an oily protective shield from the body losing internal water. Healthy skin has this level in balance. When there is a lack of moisture/ water content in the skin these glands are indicated to produce excess oil in order to keep the skin moisturized and prevent any further water loss. Hence to break this cycle, the skin needs to be hydrated. The key lies in reinstating hydrating ingredients that hold water & NOT oils into the skin. This can be ensured  by incorporating a gel moisturizer or a lightweight moisturizer which has little to no oils in it making sure the ingredients in the moisturizer are non-comedogenic & not adding to the excess oil misery.


Comedogenic ingredients are the ones that clog the pores and block the breathing space of pores due to which more accumulation of oils and dust are there which causes acne.


Non-comedogenic moisturizers will have a label or message on their packaging that states that the product is non-comedogenic. Some ingredients that are a power house of hydration & water-based like Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, cucumber extract, allantoin, peppermint extract.


  1. Sun Protect:

Out of all skincare products, sunscreens are most likely to be comedogenic. They have proven to be the leading cause for rapid blemish occurrence. Choosing the right sunscreen is the key to keep acne at bay, irrespective of the weather. Pick one that claims to be for oily, acne-prone skin, gel-based sunscreen which has a claim on its package that it is non-comedogenic.


The right sunscreen for you would leave no white cast, no excessive sweating over the sunscreen & does not exaggerate your existing acne. It will blend easily with the skin and you will not feel heaviness and greasiness on the skin.



No matter what skin type, the rule for thoroughly cleansing sunscreen at the end of the day applies to all. Especially for oily skin where the chances of pore clogging are higher, double cleansing is a sure-shot way to do exactly that.


Weekly Care


Aside from your daily skincare routine, integrating a weekly care regime can effectively tackle distinct acne issues and uphold comprehensive skin health. Here’s a suggested weekly skincare routine for oily, acne-prone or sensitive skin:


  1. Weekly Exfoliation:

The fear of accidentally aggravating the acne through exfoliation is a common concern as the skin may tend to be more sensitive. One should vary the same by not using harsh chemical exfoliants or abrasive physical exfoliators during such peak episodes of blemishes & sensitized skin. But on a holistic approach, oily, acne skin does benefit a great deal through skin exfoliation, as it aids in declogging of pores & speeds up the process of dead cell removal from the skin.

But it is crucial to pick up the right mild product for it & also choose the right time when the skin is more tolerable to undergo the process of exfoliation.


Few key points to consider while picking an exfoliant & setting up a skincare routine,

  • Reducing the frequency of exfoliation is wise to avoid overstimulating the skin, which can lead to more breakouts.
  • Instead of heavy chemical exfoliants, opt for gentler options like peptides or lactic acid, which are less likely to cause irritation.
  • Additionally, consider using very mild physical exfoliants that promote faster skin cell turnover without aggravating sensitive skin.


  1. Deep Cleansing Mask:

Integrating a mask into your weekly skincare routine not only offers self-nurturing but also delivers remarkable skincare benefits in combating acne and enhancing skin clarity.


Opt for masks with ingredients such as clay, charcoal or kaolin, known for their ability to absorb excess sebum/oil, unclog pores and purge impurities without compromising the skin’s integrity. Additionally, look for masks enhanced with calming and soothing elements like aloe vera or tea tree oil to reduce inflammation and redness associated with acne.


  1. UV Protection Even Indoors:

No matter whether you are spending a lazy day or working from home, you should protect yourself from these threats by applying sunscreen that gives broad-spectrum protection.


When applying sunscreen, always remember that even if you are indoors, it is part of your daily skincare routine. Ultraviolet rays penetrate through the glass causing damage such as sunburn, premature photoaging and possibly skin cancer. Actually, sunscreen becomes an everyday product you can’t go without if you want to make sure your skin stays healthy and radiant for a long time.


Pro Tips:
When your skin barrier is weakened, it is harder for your skin to retain moisture. This leads to more water loss and causes your body to produce too much sebum. Excess sebum can clog your pores and cause breakouts, making your skin more prone to acne.


On the other hand, increased sebum production disturbs the balance of your skin barrier, causing pore blockage and inflammation. Increased sebum production also makes your skin more dehydrated, causing your body to produce more sebum. As a result, people with acne prone and sensitive skin are caught in a vicious cycle of poor barrier function and flare-ups of sebum.

Remember to take extra care by:

  1. Ceramide Moisturizer: When choosing a ceramide cream for repairing a damaged skin barrier, it’s important to be aware of its comedogenic properties, especially for acne prone skin. Be sure to look for products labelled as “ultra-light” and “non-comedogenic” to make sure they won’t cause breakouts. Stick to a simple and straightforward skincare routine. Make sure to focus on ingredients that are gentle and hydrating to effectively repair your skin barrier without causing additional irritation or complications.


  1. Things to be Mindful of: When choosing skincare products, it’s important to make informed decisions rather than following trends. Watch your skin’s reaction to different skincare products and environmental elements. Watch how your skin reacts to different types of weather, whether it’s hot in the summer or cold in the winter. Knowing what your skin needs and responding to it can help you create a skincare regimen that works for you and keeps your skin healthy and vibrant all year round. Also,


  • Less is More: One of the biggest mistakes people make with their skincare routines is over-stuffing them with too many products. Little do they realize, they can overwhelm your skin and interfere with its natural rhythm. Instead, try to stick to a few essential skincare products that are tailored to your skin’s concerns.


  • Choose Gentle Products: When it comes to sensitive skin, make sure your cleansers are fragrance-free, moisturizers are hypoallergenic and serums don’t contain harsh ingredients that irritate sensitive skin. Instead, opt for gentle ingredients like aloe vera and chamomile that soothes, protects and reduces the risk of side effects.


  • Continuously Test Products: If you’re new to skincare, especially if you have sensitive skin, start slowly to see if it’s right for you. Try one product after another and keep an eye out for signs of irritation and discomfort. Observe over time, if the skin sensitivity gets better or if there’s a chronic underlying condition that’s causing the sensitivity.


With a bit of patience and attention to detail, you can find the right combination of products and best practices to help manage your sensitive skin and support a healthy complexion.



In conclusion, managing acne requires more than just topical treatments, it necessitates a holistic approach to lifestyle management. By monitoring and making necessary changes to your daily habits, you can effectively control oily skin and acne breakouts. Remember, acne should never weigh you down or make you feel defeated. Instead, view it as an opportunity to take charge of your health and well-being. With dedication, patience, and the right strategies, you can conquer acne and enjoy clearer, healthier skin. Stay positive, stay consistent and never forget that you have the power to overcome any skincare challenge that comes your way.

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